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就是要这样子。This is it.

但我喜欢它的样子。I like how it looks.

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他摆出一副朋友的样子。He poses as a friend.

人品还是样子容貌啊?Person'sity or looks?

求求你,为什么这样子?Prithee, why so mute?

什么样子的行李?What kind of baggage?

他有一副困恼的样子。He has a worried look.

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不要表现出无所不知的样子。Don’t be a know-it-all.

他死在战车上,血流涌出他的车外,他是这个样子回来的。He died on the chariot.

他装出一副可怜的样子。He pretends to be poor.

看他那呆笨的样子很有趣。His dull look is funny.

小鸟还是像在试管里的样子。It remains tube-shaped.

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他那样子实在是让我发憷。He looks horrible to me.

看你把我的车撞成什么样子。Look what you do my car.

将来会是什么样子的?What the future be like?

我的未来会啥样子呢?What will the future be?

一种看上去更运动和青春的样子?A Sporty & Youthful look?

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“它就应该是这个样子”,她说,“一个真的鸟窝就象这样。”A real nest is like that.

单身女人真的不喜欢这样子!And single women HATE IT!

他显得很凄伤的样子。He looked sadness itself.