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乔纳森伊夫被任命为苹果电脑公司首席执行官。Jonathan Ive named Apple CEO.

必须由元老院任命。The Senate had to appoint you.

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我认为他的任命会得到确认。I think he will be reconfirmed.

一位新的校长被任命。A new head of CUNY was appointed.

我确信可以获得任命。I'm sure that I will get nominated.

他被任命为七班班长。He was named monitor of Class Seven.

他的父亲被任命为邮政局长。His father was appointed postmaster.

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他是新任命的校长助理。He was appointed ambassador to Sweden.

上周在公报上宣布了对他的任命。His appointment was gazetted last week.

我还任命了鲍勃.赖克为劳工部长。I also named Bob Reich labor secretary.

乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。Geoge's father was appointed postmaster.

如何任命内阁阁员?。How are these Cabinet memgers appointed?

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总统沙达特任命了他为副总统。Instead, Sadat named him vice president.

他们任命李先生为科长。They nominate Mr.Li head of the section.

我希望你被任命到我部门来。I hope you'll be posted to my department.

韩国任命新驻华大使。S Korea appoints new ambassador to China.

乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。George 's father was appointed postmaster.

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他被任命为医院院长。He was appointed director of the hospital.

康克林拒绝接受任何任命。Conkling refused to accept the appointment.

他被任命为一个组合金奖得主。He was named a Portfolio Gold Award winner.