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奈特龙网也可用于酒糟作为分隔。Netlon mesh can also be used as a stillage separator.

空气中飘荡着猪饲料中酒糟冒出的不锈钢管味道。The air reeked of distillers' grains mixed in the pig feed.

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增加乾酒糟的用量或不失为一个选项.Increasing the usage of distillers' dried grains can be an option.

在临诊实践中,接触到马属动物的霉变酒糟中毒病例。We came across some cases of moldy brewery mash poisoning in equine.

对特定油脂,白酒糟稻壳吸附剂是一种优良的亲油疏水吸附剂。The adsorbent of rice husk from distiller's grains is lipophilic and hydrophobic.

废酒糟可作为生产家畜饲料的一种很好的原料。Distillers' grains can be used as a good raw material for livestock feed production.

实践证明,酒糟废液闭路循环全回用是可行的。Practices proof, vinasse and distillery slops close recycling all reuse is practicable.

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对酒糟与棉籽壳不同比例的配方栽培平菇进行了初步探索。Preliminary exploration of different ratios of wine dross and cottonseed hulls is made.

因为每投入一次新原料,要在池中循环5次,才作为酒糟丢掉。Because each into a new material, to the pool circulation 5 times, just as like vinasse away.

该文提出了一种降低白酒糟粗纤维含量的新工艺。This paper expounded a new technology, which can effectively reduce the content of rough fibre.

黄酒糟中有丰富的营养,应充分开发利用。Besides, yellow rice wine lees contained abundant nutrient substances, which should be full used.

研究了采用固态发酵工艺利用酒糟生物质生产燃料乙醇的工艺。The technology of fuel ethanol production by solid fermentation with distiller biomass was studied.

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制曲中合理利用酒糟既可提高曲子质量,又可降低成本。Adequate application of distiller′s grains could improve starter quality and reduce production cost.

白酒糟粗纤维过高,使其在配合饲料中的使用量受到很大限制。The utilization of distiller is confined greatly in the formula feed because of its high rough fibre.

利用添加鲜酒糟生产大曲可节约粮食,降低成本。Daqu production by the addition of fresh distiller's grains could save grains and reduce production cost.

是酒糟蛋白饲料的商品名,即含有可溶固形物的干酒糟。DDGS, is a protein feed distiller's grain trade names, or dry distiller's grains containing soluble solids.

红糟是绍兴酒的酒糟,具有独特的香味,及天然的红色色泽,富有丰富的营养。Red vinasse is the vinasse of Shaohsing Wine, it has unique aroma, natural red color and rich of nutrition.

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有的用酒糟涂抹灶门,这叫“醉司令”,醉得灶神不能乱说话。Some wine coated doors of kitchen god, is called "drunk commander" drunk Kitchen God does not talk nonsense.

酒糟滤液全回用技术的应用能够实现酒精发酵的零排放。The recycling fermentation with the filtrate of stillage was a zero discharges technology of the ethanol production.

本工艺不但解决了白酒厂酒糟污染问题,而且可获得较好的经济效益。This techniques not only can solute the lees contamination in liquor factory but also obtain a good economic effect.