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踊跃发言吧。Comment it up.

接待9-15周岁的少年踊跃报名到场!Welcome Ages 9 to 15 years old!

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希望各位青年踊跃报名参加。We look forward to your active participation.

我们欢迎广大的中年朋友踊跃参与讨论。Every mid-aged is welcomed to join this discussion.

客户踊跃参与。There's just enormous participation from customers.

下午讨论会,大家依照论点,踊跃发言。Everybody engaged to talk in the afternoon's meeting.

菲律宾和菲律宾籍考生踊跃申请。Filipino and Filipina candidates encouraged to apply.

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第二,踊跃发言,推销个人。Second, spoke enthusiastically, and to sell yourself.

诚笃,踊跃,仔细,敢于接管挑战。Honest, positive, detailed and courage to meet challenge.

人数有限,报名在即,欢迎踊跃参加!Seats are limited, please sign up at once! Welcome to join us!

为什么公司踊跃地将其现金管理外包?Why are companies flocking to outsource their cash management?

门票经已全部派罄,多谢港乐乐迷踊跃支持!All tickets have been given out. Thank you all for your support.

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大山踊跃,如公羊。小山跳舞,如羊羔。The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.

如今,我班同学踊跃参加投票活动。Today, my class students to participate in the voting activities.

请于8月8日前在前台报名。人数上限为25人,请大家踊跃参与!Please Register at Reception Before Aug. 8th. We need 25 performers.

谨此,热情欢迎社会各届人士踊跃光顾。Herein, we sincerely welcome people from all social circles to our hotel.

所以敬请通知亲朋戚友踊跃出席,大大支持!So do inform your friends and relatives to come in great number to support!

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硅谷公司正在踊跃参加反恐怖战斗。Silicon Valley atoneanies are getting admited into the War on Tabsurdityism.

万佛圣城将于月二十四日星期日举纪法会,欢迎佛友们踊跃加。The City of Ten Thousands Buddhas will hold the ceremony on Sunday, June 24th.

理事们踊跃发言,提出了若干修改、补充意见。Councilmen spoke up and set forth many suggestions for revision and complement.