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中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。There are many kinds of local operas in our country.

夜色降临,喇叭里传来地方戏的曲调。Night fell. From the loud speakers came local opera tunes.

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川剧是比较有代表性的四川地方戏。Sichuan Opera is a typical local opera in Sichuan Province.

京剧在中国约有200年历史,它是北京的地方戏。Peking Opera in China has a history of approximately 200 years.

地方戏应该受到保护,它是民间文化重要的一部分。Although only a local drama, Huangmei Opera is popular with many people.

游乐有垂钓、摸鱼戏水、斗鸡、射猎、地方戏表演等。There are fishing, fish swim, play cockfighting, hunting, local opera performances.

湖南花鼓戏是湖南的一种地方戏,在湖南省的各个地区广为流传。Hunan Huagu Opera as a local opera is widely spread in many places in Hunan Province.

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这句话来源于具有四百年历史的福州传统地方戏曲??闽剧的一个作品。This saying comes from one of the Min operas which are more than four hundred years old.

你喜欢京剧或其他地方戏吗?你能听懂吗?Do you like Beijing opera or any other traditional opera? Can you understand what they are singing?

清代地方戏的主要成就体现在表演艺术上。The main achievement of the local drama in the Qing Dynasty reflected on the art of the performance.

应以“舞台艺术语言”的概念取代地方戏研究中“程式”的概念。"Performing art language" concepts should replace "stereotyping" concepts in studies of local operas.

本文从历史地理的角度对山东地方戏进行了简单分析。In this article, the local opera of Shandong is analyzed briefly from the angle of historical geography.

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在清朝干隆皇帝统治的时代,干隆对地方戏非常感兴趣。During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera.

川剧是中国地方戏之一,流行于四川、云南、贵州等地。Sichuan Opera is one of many local operas in China, popular in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou.

山西地方戏曲剧种有52个之多,约占全国总数量的七分之一。当前,在舞台上可见可闻的已少得可怜,其中因素甚多。Types of local opera in Shanxi Province are up to 52, amounting to approximately one seventh of the whole nation.

河南地处中原,是举世公认的戏曲大省,至今活跃的地方戏剧种仍有20余种,辐射面大,影响深远。Henan is in the middle of China. It is famous of its local opera. There are more than 20 kinds of the local operas now.

河南地方戏的唱腔音乐来源于民间小调,群众十分熟悉那亲切的乐调、板式和旋律。The melodies of Henan operas originates from the folk ditties , whose modes, types of metre and melodies are quite familiar to people.

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元杂剧、明清传奇和欧洲传统戏剧都是文学的戏剧,地方戏是表演的戏剧。Zaju of Yuan, legends of Ming and Qing and traditional European operas all belong to literary drama, while local operas are performing drama.

同时,地方戏逐渐溶人中国社会,成为社会生活不可分割的一部分。The popular theatre also came to be integrated closely into the framework of Chinese society and was an indispensable feature of the social life.

欧洲传统戏剧主要是情节的艺术,包括地方戏在内的古典戏曲则主要是语言的艺术。Traditional operas in Europe are essentially the art of the plot, while the classical Chinese operas, including local operas, are essentially the art of language.