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这是一个微笑?A smiley?

他微笑道。He half smiled.

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那么,为什么不咧嘴微笑呢?So why not grin?

她对我微笑。She beamed at me.

护林员微笑了。The ranger smiled.

托比向我微笑。Toby smiled at me.

吉米朝我们微笑。Jimmy smiled at us.

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对陌生人微笑。Smile at strangers.

微笑和调息。Smile, and breathe.

微笑的人不会输。Smilers never lose.

她们微笑的模样。The way they smile.

这让我不由微笑。This made me smile.

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只有那风中的微笑。Just smiles in wind.

但是此刻你必须微笑。But you had to smile.

微笑服务。Service with a smile.

她冲着杰基微笑。She smiled at Jackie.

于丹微笑道。Road to the Dan smile.

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芳婷在微笑中死去。She dies with a smile.

发出会心的微笑。Smile with your heart.

老鲸微笑道。The old whale laughed.