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舞动倒映水中彩霞。Choi Ha dance reflecting the water.

垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。The willow's shadow falls on the lake.

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他看到了他那张倒映在水中的脸。He had caught sight of his reflected face.

似盘的月亮倒映在池塘里。The moon's disk was reflected in the pond.

水中倒映的树影婆娑起舞。The trees reflected in the water are dancing.

亭台倒映在水面上。The pavilions throw their shadows in the water.

傍晚,倒映在海滩上的迪拜伯瓷酒店。Burj Al Arab Hotel reflected on beach at sunset.

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直视水池中倒映出的自己的脸孔?Staring on your face reflected in a pool of water?

塔的影子倒映在水中。One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.

渔船倒映在水里的影子,似乎是在水面上睡着了一样。Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us.

平静的湖面倒映着古堡的影像。The placid lake reflected the image of the old castle.

烟火倒映在河面上,闪烁多姿。The reflections from the fireworks twinkled in the river.

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沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。The trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water.

那对年轻情侣在平静的水面上看着自己倒映在水中的影像。The young couple looked at their reflection in the calm water.

临池的树木倒映季节的色彩,浅浅的池水,让孩子安全地玩耍嬉闹。Is a good place for kids to play safely in the colorful season.

说相爱到永远说谁都不会变倒映着稚嫩的少年。Say forever to say who will not change reflected the childish boy.

闪烁着泪花的眼,倒映在你黑褐色的双眸间。Shining tears in the eyes, reflected in your room dark brown eyes.

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帆船桅倒映在湖面上,洛迦诺,瑞士。Reflection Of Sailboat Masts In Lake Maggiore, Locarno, Switzerland.

凯恩海湾平静的水面倒映着一个中等大小的桌状冰山。A fair-sized tabular iceberg reflected in the calm waters of Kane Basin.

附近的镜湖给游客欣赏到水中的悬崖峭壁倒映。Nearby Mirror Lake offers beautiful reflections of the surrounding cliffs.