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不要浪费剩余的荤菜。Don’t waste the carcass.

你试试看不吃荤菜什么的看看。You try to eat what to see.

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我想要一份开胃菜与荤菜。I'd like appetizers and meat.

吃荤菜前先来点汤好吗?。Will you have some soup before the meat course?

哦,一份饭有两样荤菜和一样蔬菜。Well, one portion has two meat dishes and one vegetable.

鸡蛋是很容易蒸熟的,所以这些荤菜需要事先煮过。Egg is easy to cooked so the meat should be cooked before.

俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤和荤菜著名于世。Russian cuisine is famous for its soups such as borscht and meat dishes.

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俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤和荤菜闻名于世。Russian cuisine is famous for its soups, such as borscht and meat dishes.

开饭的时候,有荤菜或素食可选,他选择了素食。We were offered a choice of meat or vegetarian dishes and he chose the vegetarian diet.

在美国,我们有时也通常会做一些素菜来搭配荤菜以平衡膳食。In the US, we usually also have a green vegetable to go with this for a more balanced meal.

旅行一开始,我们餐桌上几乎都是荤菜,结果不少人发生了便秘。At first our meals consisted almost entirely of meats. As a result, constipation plagued our group.

即使你完全能承受这种辣味或者增减它的辣味,这道色美味香的汤汁丰盛的荤菜在中央空调开启之前就能使你周身温暖起来。Whether you can stand the full heat or adjust the spiciness, this nice soupy meat dish will warm you up before central heating starts.

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他所备办的肴馔,素菜和荤菜全都味美,十分可取,但在酒会结束之前,他依旧不能十分平静。All the banquet—the meat dishes and the Lenten fare alike—was sumptuous, but still he could not be perfectly at ease till the end of dinner.

科学研究表明荤菜因为油脂的缘故不容易消化,油脂可能阻塞血管,引发心血管病。Scientific studies show that carnivorous diet is hard to digest because of fat which may clog blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular disease.

到了立秋,秋风一起天气凉爽,人的胃口就好了,需要吃点儿荤菜增加营养,补偿夏天的损耗。However a cooler weather after the day of Beginning of Autumn stimulates their appetite and they usually have oily and meat dishes for the lost in summer.

“坛启荤菜飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来”,意思是此菜香味太诱人,连佛都会启动凡心。"Altar rev volunteers, Buddha floating around smell abandon zen jump a wall to", meaning is this dish fragrance too attractive, even the Buddha activates once.