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我们采取的是股份制。We adopt share-holding system.

我公司是一股份制企业。Our company is a joint-stock enterprises.

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股份制企业中的国有股。State-owned shares in joint-stock enterprises.

我们公司是一家股份制合作企业?Our company is a share-holding cooperation venture.

具有现代管理体制的股份制企业。A modern management system of joint-stock enterprises.

西昌富万利食品有限公司是中意合资的股份制企业。Sino-Italy joint venture, Xichang Fovalley Food Co. , Ltd.

1898年,张謇于南通以股份制组织形式创办了大生纱厂。In 1898, Zhangjian set up the Dashen Mill Corn. Ltd in Nantong.

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赣州五环机器有限责任公司是一家民营股份制企业。As a privately-owned stock enterprise, Ganzhou Wuhuan Machine Co.

本公司于2001年成立,是一家股份制民营企业。Our company established in 2001, is a joint-stock private enterprise.

即使那些“股份制”企业,事实上很多是被国家控制。Even among the ‘joint stock’ firms, many are actually state-controlled.

根据早期的报告,一个股份制公司不久即将成立。A stockholding company would be set up soon, according to early reports.

国有银行没有股份制银行对市场的反应敏感。The state-owned banks do not joint-stock banks in the market is sensitive.

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进行股份制商改后,其部分优势将得到延续。To carry out joint -stock companies, some of its advantages will continue.

临沂永兴纺织有限公司是一家股份制合作企业。Linyi Yongxing Textile Co. , Ltd. is a joint-stock cooperative enterprises.

很多管理不善的公司采取的都是双重股份制。As at many companies with bad governance, the mechanism is dual-class stock.

2009年安兴纸业中国区中外合资公司实施股份制改制。In 2009 OnHing Paper China area joint-venture restructuring was implemented.

我公司始建于1985年,1998年改制成股份制企业。Our company was founded in 1985, 1998, converted into a joint-stock enterprises.

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农村股份合作企业发展的方向是股份制。These cooperative enterprises will eventually be turned into joint stock companies.

笔者就股份制改造后商业银行内部审计工作中所面临的风险进行了探讨。The paper discuses on the risks of auditing work after stock reform in business bank.

顺鑫商贸股份有限公司系股份制企业。Along the Xin business Limited liability company is the Stock-company type enterprise.