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答案五花八门Okay, interesting mix.

他们无力承担这些五花八门的开支。They can ill afford the multifarious expenses.

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它的要素五花八门,和他的文句一样。Its elements are as disparate as his sentences.

班里的学生可谓五花八门。So it is quite a cross cut of students in the class.

五花八门的问题,各式各样的需求。They type in all kinds of things, all kinds of needs.

想想那微暗朦胧的灯光所带来的浪漫感觉,想想那五花八门的海洋生物在水中畅游的美丽画面,任谁都会沉醉的吧。The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful.

辣椒的口味千差万别,形状各有千秋,颜色多彩缤纷,当然——名称也五花八门。Chiles come in a variety of flavors, shapes and colors--and names.

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但不管约会的地点如何五花八门,压马路永远是射手座的保留节目。But no matter how the date, place, benumb street is always Sagittarius.

立法语言虚词使用不规范现象五花八门。The non-standard usage of function words in legislative wording is varied.

他们希望利用五花八门的许诺和保证瓦解我们的抵抗。They want to breake our will to resist by various promises and assurances.

如果问幸福专家是什么使他们快乐,答案是五花八门的。Ask the well-being experts what makes them happy and the answers are diverse.

“贫困线”这个概念一直留存了下来,但是衍生出的标准却是五花八门。The idea of a poverty line has stayed with us, but the candidates have multiplied.

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当时北京的大学五花八门,国立、私立、教会立,纷然杂陈。Then Beijing had assorted universities such as state- run, private-run, church-run.

我有一个朋友,他经常给我发来一些政治性的文章,来源网站五花八门。I have a friend who constantly sends me political articles from a handful of websites.

如今的挑战在于把五花八门的多国舰队打造成行动聚合体。The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

在五花八门的微妙方式中,菅先生的顶尖团队代表了一种清新大胆的选择。And in a myriad of subtle ways Mr Kan’s top team represents a refreshingly bold choice.

他们表示,如此五花八门的利益关系将政治上如何演变,仍然是未知数。How this chorus of interests will evolve politically is, they say, yet to be determined.

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凌来到了皇宫前,让他惊讶的是,其他人种出的植物五花八门,奇花异树纷呈。When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by all the other youths.

这场博览会不仅内容五花八门,涵盖领域无远弗届,在技术方面也是一项奇迹。Beyond the diversity of content and international scope, the fair is a technological marvel.

因为原数据五花八门,信息图表展示的统计结果难免给人些许大杂烩的感觉。Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources.