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他被判处死刑。He was sentenced to death.

嘿,死刑能把你从中国弄出去!Hey, it gets you out of China!

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晚上8点23分,里查德被执行了死刑。At 8.23pm Richard was put to death.

去年11月杨先生被执行死刑。Mr Yang was executed last November.

不遵守该法律的刑罚是死刑。Nonobservance, as of a law or custom.

我们要如何对待死刑?What do we do with the death penalty?

死刑有什么不可替代的优越性?Any non-replaceable superiority of DS?

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杀人者在4月28日被执行了死刑。The killer was executed on April 28th.

囚犯们被判死刑。The prisoners were condemmed to death.

亚历克斯因叛党而被判处死刑。Alex was sentenced to death for apostasy.

亵渎安息日的人应该被处以死刑。He who profanes it shall be put to death.

在英国所有的反叛者都会处以死刑。It is death for all mutineers in England.

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检察官大声要求判以死刑。The prosecutor bayed for a death penalty.

把人钉死在十字架上是一种残忍的死刑方式。Crucifixion was a cruel form of execution.

以命偿命,他将被判处死刑。Life for life, he will be sentence to death.

他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然。His views on capital are unpalatable to many.

但到了最后,他们还是判处杜根死刑。But in the end, they sentenced Dugan to death.

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“最终判处死刑,”基尼说。"The ultimate penalty is death, " Keeney says.

死刑是对暴力犯罪的一种震慑力。Death penalty is a deterrent to violent crimes.

在中国这些吸血鬼会被判死刑。In china, these bloodsuckers would be executed.