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它并增强非印纹部份的亲水性。It also increases the hydrophilic property of the non-image areas.

印刷时,油墨没有转移纸上,印纹露出白点的情况。Minute white spots appear in images caused by lack of ink transfer.

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纸与版圆筒接触,把油墨从凹陷印纹中提起,完成印刷。The paper contacts the cylinder and lifts the ink from the recesses.

我怀疑把上的印纹不会持久,否则就太精致了。I doubt the markings would last for very long. Otherwise quite ingenious.

我有一双小胖手,你有树叶和橡皮,蘸点颜色印纸上,彩色印纹真美丽。Dip some color and print it, and you can see the pretty printing on paper.

用不着墨的电版或模在印有印纹的纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。The process of raising a printed image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board.

原因是纸面粗糙,不能与版上的凹陷印纹接触所致。This occurs if the paper surface is rough and cannot mae contact with the gravure cells.

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用一个胶的移印头压向蚀刻的铜或钢版,取得印纹。A pad , made of plastic, obtained the images from an engraved copper or steel plate by stamping.

若纸的不透明度低,印纹便影现纸的另一面。If the paper is not sufficiently opaque, printed material will show through from the other side.

浮凸压印用不着墨的电版或模在印有印纹的纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。Embossing The process of raising a printed image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board.

用只黏附于印纹上的特别配方油墨施印,不需用水把版面湿润。Using special type of ink which only adhered to the image areas, the plate does not require damping.

非印纹部份用水湿润后,油墨施加于经化学处理的印纹上。Ink applied selectively to the chemically treated image areas after the non -image areas were dampened with water.

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最初用石块作印版,后来才改用金属版。版面的印纹和非印纹用化学方法界定。Stone, and later metal plate, was used as the image carrier, in which the image areas and non-image areas were defined chemically.

施印的纸用酒精类溶剂稍为湿润,和版面的印纹接触时,就沾上薄薄的一层染料。The paper to be printed is slightly moistened with an alcohol base solvent that picks up a thin layer of the dye from the paper master.

方法将检材浸泡在配制好的油红O的显现试剂中,油红可将指纹中遗留的油脂染色从而显现出手印纹线。Method The thermal paper is soaked in the oil red O solution, and the oil red O could colored the fats contained in the fingerprint residue.

因版墨辘轳压在版上的力过重,在横过的纸面的印纹上造成的一条或多条线条。A heavy colour line or lines across rhe printed sheets occurred on rhe image areas, caused by the plate inkers set too hard against the plate.

擦版气笔手提的小型喷砂器,用压缩空气和浮石粉去除平版上多余的印纹。Air eraser Miniature sand-blasting hand appliance, using compressed air and pumice for removing superfluous lithographic images from the plate.

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印纹部份常用黄铜或铜为底层,非印纹部份常用不绣钢或铬为面层的柯式印版。Lithographic plate where the printing image area base is usually brass or copper, and the non-printing area is usually stainless steel or chromium.

夹紧于柯式印刷机圆筒上的一张物料,用来把印纹从印版转印到承印物上。Blanket A rubber-surfaced sheet clamped around the cylinder of an offset litho printing press which transfers the printing image from plate to substrate.

雕刻凹版制造凹版的一种方法。用锐利工具把线条刻在版上而不用酸作腐蚀。因此,印纹全由线条组成。Drypoint engraving Method of preparing a gravure printing plate by incising lines with a cutting tool instead of with acid. Prints consist of lines only.