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我青不自禁地回首我的过去。I can't help looking back on my past.

但即使他下榻的不再是禁地。But even his Airness is no longer off limits.

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它的斜坡被认为是人类的禁地。Its slopes were considered off-limits to humans.

和我想的一样三个私闯禁地的人!Just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers!

那里是一片充满了神秘而诱惑的禁地。There is one full of mysterious and forbidden temptation.

我姐姐的卧室对我们其余人来说是禁地。My sister's bedroom is forbidden territory to the rest of us.

爱是当她看到惊恐的剧情时不自禁地抓着你的手。Love is when she grips your arm during the scary bits of the movie.

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让这些人只有你想打电话给您,并设置休息禁地!Let only those people you want call you, and set the rest off-limits!

每当我想到这里,我的心就不禁地为伟易过早的死亡,而痛了。When I think of that, my heart could not help from aching over WY's untimely death.

多年来,熟悉牛津的人都将阿什莫尔博物馆视为禁地。Oxford familiars over the years have got to know the Ashmolean as a forbidding place.

要想离开这个人们眼中的危险禁地,这是他们的唯一途径。That was the only way they would be permitted to exit what many considered a place of risk.

你不自禁地把分裂的问题变成很多问题,就是存心不要解决这个问题。The temptation to regard problems as many is the temptation to keep the problem of separation unsolved.

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雇主协会与商会将发布声明,律师们将喜不自禁地跃跃欲试。Employers' societies and business associations will issue statements. Hopeful lawyers will rub their hands.

墨西哥全国的学校已经关闭,公众集会的限制和考古遗址放在禁地。Schools across Mexico have closed, public gatherings are restricted and archaeological sites placed off-limits.

提到周国云,不禁地令人想起他2007年见义勇为勇抓嫌犯的事迹。Zhou mentioned that cloud, can not help but reminiscent of his 2007 arrested suspects courageous deeds of courage.

不在线或不吸毒的时候,瘾君子会习惯性地难以自禁地去追寻,渴望和再次制造那种飘飘欲仙的快感。The addict becomes conditioned to compulsively seek, crave and recreate the sense of elation while off-line or off-drug.

现在我不禁地怀疑那些买家有着和我同样的经历,被迫留下了好的评价。Now I cannot help but suspect that those customers had the same experience as mine and left positive comments under duress.

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那是我一直以来制造的假象。要是有谁闯入了那片禁地,我就会杀掉他们然后把尸体抛进大运河毁尸灭迹。That's the impression I intended to give the world. If anybody ventures in there I have them killed and thrown in the canal.

在西南虎林园的办公楼左近,有一块禁地—寄存死虎尸体的冷库,记者没被允许进入。The reporter was not permitted to enter a restricted area near the office building of the Zoo, a cold storage for dead tigers.

螺钉固定,适用于高架物体、大楼顶端、危险禁地、机器设备等定点警示。It can be permanently mounted, fits in with highly-building, on the roof, forbidden area of dangerous, equipment of machine and so on.