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生活没有教她顾盼自得。Life had not taught her domination.

顾盼着身影,诅咒自己的生辰。And look upon my self and curse my fate.

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但当我怀着羡慕之心,双眼顾盼But when my wond'ring eyes and envious heart

握着我的手缓步走着,像孩童一般顾盼。Hold my hand and let's walk slowly, seeing everything as children.

活泼的叫顾盼生辉,矜特叫稳重大方。The lively call look unripe brightness, jin's call sedate and easy.

可是,情深不过相思苦,百无聊赖于无人顾盼之中,又怎能酣睡于梦境。But, love but love hard, bored by no one look, how can sleep in the dream.

只是人们都忙着左右顾盼了。It's just that people were too busy looking to the right and left, ' he says.

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在大家的顾盼谈笑中,我却总感觉到些许的失落。In everyone look around talk smile, but I always feel arrive lose just some little.

听到这里,我忍不住摸了自已的脸,对镜顾盼,样子健康可爱。Hear here, I couldn't resist the touch of lens face, the look, appearance health lovely.

当我们站在广东公所门前顾盼流连,竟发现了一个十分奇妙的现象。When roving in front of the gate of Guangdong House, we unexpectedly find an amazing phenomenon.

他们落荒而逃,其中一名男子在回头顾盼之际发现本应该什么都没有的地方赫然出现了4名身穿长袍的人。They fled in terror, and one man looked back to see 4 robed individuals where none had previously been.

少女抬眼顾盼,羞答答情怯怯,秋波在同伴身上流连忘返。The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to linger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze.

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他左右顾盼地过马路,却在每一辆车的间隙间,热烈地向我微笑。He glanced left and right as he crossed the street, but would beam at me through every gap between vehicles.

美目必然要盼,到处顾盼,让周围全部的汉子都认为你是在看他。The eyes in the United States must hope, look around everywhere, let surroundings all men feel you to be see him.

水面的波光潋滟,天空的祥云缭绕,你,就在水面凌波与祥云之间顾盼着,凝视着。The glittering surface of the brook reflects clouds from the sky. You are lingering between the water and the cloud, gazing at me.

小河顾盼生情,涟漪比比,绵延起伏成一路的五彩诗帆,欢唱着串串清亮的歌谣,盎然而来。Stare river health conditions, ripples Bibi, rolling into the way the colorful poetry fan, sang songs with strings of the clearest, abundant from.

小猫初生之际双眼是阖上的,他们在大约六天后会轻轻睁开双眼顾盼周遭,然后他们再次阖上双眼期许一个更好的生命。Kittens are born with their eyes shut. they open them in about six days take a look around then close them again for the better part of their lives.

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小猫初生之际双眼是阖上的,他们在大约六天后会轻轻睁开双眼顾盼周遭,然后他们再次阖上双眼期许一个更好的生命。Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives.

这里的空气清新自由,人们的神态轻松安详,公共场所也未见执法人员顾盼招摇,何须紧张?Instead, I found the atmosphere free and casual, and people around relaxed and poised, and I saw no law enforcement officers prowling about in public places.

尽管每组中人物众多,但由于经过匠心的安排设计,人物相互呼应顾盼,既有细节的交代,又保持了总体的统一和谐。Though there are numerous figures in the relief, they interact well because of careful design and arrangements by the artists and they appear in good harmony.