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中文的草书体很难读。Chinese cursive writing is very difficult to read.

人的需要是书体演变的内在原因。The need of people is the real reason for calligraphical evolution.

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篆书又分为大篆和小篆,是汉字书体发的主要阶段。Seal is divided into Dazhuan and Xiaozhuan, is a Chinese book-an important stage.

西周青铜器铭文是中国金文书法中洋洋大观能够统领一代的金文书体,是研习古代书法艺术的重要内容之一。Study of the inscriptions is of great significance for study of the art of ancient Chinese calligraphy.

这一变化引发了一场书体革命,诞生了书法艺术。The change brought about a calligraphic revolution that led to the birth of calligraphy as an art form.

百寿坊因正间上方心环雕一百个不同书体的“寿”字而闻名。Life workshop were above the Heart Ring Carved between one hundred different styles of" Shou" character.

第四章从书体文的萌芽到南朝不断发展变化的阶段特征。Chapter IV of the text of the embryonic body from the book to the stage of the Southern evolving features.

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正是如此建构,才使甲骨文这一书体富于艺术之美,具有无比的震撼力。It is just these structures that make oracle beautiful artistically with a incomparable earthshaking force.

而书体的发生又是书风持续衍变的必然结果。But the occurrence of the calligraphy style is also the inevitable result which the font continues to evolve.

即,“破体书法”是多种书体同存于一幅书法作品中的意思。Namely, "break body calligraphy" is various chirographies are together save in a calligraphy work in of meaning.

书体涉及了隶术、楷书、行书、草书、大字和小字等内容。Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.

包括玉版的定名依据、玉版的年代及相关器物研究、玉版的书体风格以及玉版的摹本。Including on which basis we call it the jade document of Qin Yin, the times of the document, the character style and its paper copy.

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通俗楷书从通俗隶书内部衍生出来,并迅速发展,成为日常书写的主要书体。The demotic Regular script originally derived from the demotic Clerical script, and then replaced the latter to be the major font of daily writing.

书体中喜欢篆书的古朴典雅,尤其追求甲骨文的自然优美和豪迈奔放。Yuan like seal character which is one of Calligraphy forms because seal character is classic and elegant, particularly he pursuit natural beauty and bold oracle.

本文以书体的历史流变为研究视角,对章草这一草书古体的萌生、成型、发展、以至风格演化的历史过程进行研究。From the evolution of calligraphic styles, this thesis presents a detailed study of Zhangcao, including the historical process of its beginning, maturation and expanding.

在横额上雕有书体不同的寿字百个,其结构形制和装饰雕刻基本上与百狮坊相类似。In the body of the book banners have carved hundreds of different Longevity, its structure is basically the shape and decorative carving is similar to a lion tamer Square.

楷书笔画平直,字形方正,书写简便。人们把这种字体称为“楷书”,表明它是可以被当作楷模学习、运用的书体。Straight in line, square in shape, and very easy to write, this kind of characters is regarded as standard characters, as it can be used as a model for other forms of writing.

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本文以汉字的书体、印刷字体、美术字的形成与发展,论述了汉字字体的体系及设计性。This paper expounds the system and design of Chinese character scripts ac- cording to the formation and development of scripts, block letters and Chinese artistic calligraphy.

模仿别人就淹没了自己,季先生批判地汲取了古今众多高手的长处,融会贯通,形成自己的画风书体,这就是大师。Imitate other people drowned on his own, Mr. quarter critically many masters learned the merits of ancient and modern, together, form their own body style book, which is great.

该文以清代馆阁体书法作为研究对象,通过对这一书体的存在和盛行的社会依据进行较为细致的考察,试图揭示清代馆阁体书法的官方实用性具体的文化内涵。This essay takes Guangeti calligraphy in Qing Dynasty as the object of research, tries to reveal the content of official practicability of Guangeti calligraphy and its social grounds.