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土布是一种织得粗糙的布。Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave.

拉祜西妇女头缠黑色土布头巾,身穿无领对襟短衫。Lahu women in the West Touchan Tubu black turban, wearing a collarless shirt Duijin.

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洗得干干净净正在凉晒的土布衣服,就象都市里橱窗中的展示品。Her costumes made of hand-woven cloth. They look like items exhibited in a display windows.

大部分年纪较长的女人在干活时穿的衣服仍然是用自己亲手织、亲手染的土布缝制的。Most of the old villagers still wear clothes made from weaving, dyeing and sewing of their own hands.

她的最佳状态咸甜美的声音,动作自信从民谣到俱乐部轨道土布推土机。Kidjo, her salty-sweet voice in top form, moves confidently from ballad to club track to homespun earthmover.

改革开放后,传统土布纺织业在人们的记忆中逐渐消逝。After reform and opening-up, the textile industry of traditional nankeen disappears in people's memory gradually.

土布文化作为黄河文化的重要代表,它的发展是黄河文化的见证。Homespun culture as important on behalf of the Yellow River, its development is the testimony of the Yellow River culture.

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洲委员会实在能充分利用现在的形式,由于印度越来越多的人抗议要求生产充足的印度土布制造的旗子。The state boards actually can take advantage of the situation as protests in india are rising by producing adequate flags from Khadi.

从于政治对手的目的倒钩丰富多彩高大聪明的故事,林肯在土布衣服一个精明机智,巴克伍兹白话。From colorful tall tales to clever barbs aimed at political opponents, Lincoln clothed a shrewd wit in a homespun, backwoods vernacular.

南通有着悠久的纺织历史,以民间手工染织而成的蓝印花布、南通土布,源于唐、宋,盛于明、清。Has a long history of textiles in Nantong, private hand weaving and dyeing of blue calico, Nantong homespun, from Tang, song, Sung in Ming and Qing.

一个广为流传的故事描述了斯坦福夫妇穿着褪色条纹棉衣和土布西服拜访了哈佛大学的校长。A widely-circulated tale describes Leland and Jane Stanford's supposed visit to Harvard University's president, dressed in a suit of homespun cloth and a faded gingham dress.

老粗布,又名“手织布,土布”,是淳朴劳动人民用原始的木制纺车一梭一梭精心织造而成,在中国有了几千年的历史。The old coarse cloth, locally named"handcrafted cloth" or " handwoven cloth", is woven by the diligent people with the use of wooden spinning wheel. It has a history of thousands years.

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在德里中心地区绝食的床榻旁,一位身着土布棉衣的虚弱老人已将印度人民的愤怒引向累累高层腐败案件,使整个政府陷入不安。FROM his fasting-bed in the heart of Delhi, a frail old man in homespun cotton has channelled Indian rage over a string of high-profile corruption cases, tying the entire government in knots.