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兼有密实及良好的防水防渗性。Both dense and good nature of water seepage.

准备一些冷冻的葡萄,装在一个密实袋里。Freeze grapes and put them into a zippered plastic bag.

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鹿皮革给人柔软而密实感。Deerskin leather is characterized by its soft, rich feel.

生物质密实一直实行美国在过去40年。Densifying biomass has been practiced in the US for the past 40 years.

NVC自流平外加剂是制备自密实混凝土的优良外加剂。NVC admixture is an excellent material to make Self-Compacting Concrete.

道路三渣层有悬浮式和密实式二种类型。Three residue base of roads has two types of suspended type and dense type.

而后真菌可在鞋中生长,特别是不透气的密实的鞋子。The fungi then grow in shoes, especially tight ones without air circulation.

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涂上腌料,以密实袋装好,放在雪柜腌过夜。Marinate with seasoning in zip-lock bags, and leave overnight in refrigerator.

不要逞强去拉伸你觉得肌肉密实的部位。Don't stretch beyond the point where you begin to feel tightness in the muscle.

粉煤灰在自密实混凝土中的作用效果一直受到人们广泛关注。The effect of fly ash in self-compacting concrete has attracted general concern.

在浇筑工序中,应控制混凝土的均匀性和密实性。In the pouring process, we should control the uniformity and density of concrete.

这使三明治呈现独特的扁平形状,质地极其密实。This gives the sandwich its distinctive flat shape and wonderfully dense texture.

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自密实混凝土是一种高流态混凝土,它在许多工程中都得到广泛的应用。Dense concrete is one of upper flow regime, which is widely used in various fields.

变频设计,制品密实度高,布料速度快,单班产量高。Design, products of high density frequency, cloth speed, high yield of single class.

纯手绣工制,针脚密实,花样新颖,适合居家摆放。Working system of pure embroidery, pin dense, novel style, suitable for home display.

指未被压实到规定密实度和一定的强度形成稳定填方的材料。Fill material refers to the material which is under the standard density and intensity.

浓稠的巧克力奶油加入白兰地提味,口感密实的香浓巧克力风味。Chocolate thick cream by adding brandy to taste, dense taste the flavor of chocolate flavor.

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因此,聚羧酸类引气剂可用于配制高性能混凝土和自密实混凝土。Therefore polycarboxylate based AEA may be used to produce HPC and self compacting concrete.

使结晶形成的盐池板坚硬密实,晶形完整。从而达到提高死碴盐池板抗压强度的目的。As a result, the salt pond floor became solid and dense, and the salt crystal shape is complete.

而且还对自密实混凝土与同配比振捣成型混凝土的抗压强度进行比较。Finally, the SCC is compared with the same mixing but vibrated concrete on compressive strength.