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他的劝解打消了我的疑虑。His advice satisfied my doubts.

最后,在好朋友的劝解下。Finally, under good friend's consoling.

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因为我们接受的教育和劝解大同小异。Beacause we accepted the same education and preach.

“不要让这些把你困在家里,”铜罐劝解到。"Don't let that keep you at home, " urged the Brass Pot.

你的很多世都设法通过苦行来劝解我。For many births you tried to propitiate Me through austerities.

彼拉多愿意释放耶稣,就又劝解他们。Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them.

一名索马里难民在劝解他渴望到外面玩耍的儿子。Somali man tries to comfort his son, who aches to go outside and play.

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就因为依儿的出现和劝解,他才重新振作起来。In infants because of the emergence and Explained, he was to re-emerge.

一名索马里难民在劝解他渴望到外面玩耍的儿子。A Somali man tries to comfort his son, who aches to go outside and play.

赵父私底下也劝解赵母,不能过于宠爱孩子。Zhao Fu privately appealed to zhao mother, also cannot too spoiled child.

不久之后,另外四个警察到了并对工人进行劝解。Shortly afterwards, four more policemen were arrived and persuaded the workers.

不久之后,另外四个警察到了并对工人进行劝解。Shortly afterwards , four more policemen arrived and demonstrated with the workmen.

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经大家多次劝解,她的情绪才好了一些。After her comrades had talked with her several times, she became a bit more cheerful.

我没有劝解,但我感到心潮澎湃,对我的大儿子正在变得成熟,负有责任感而感到自豪。I can’t help but feel a swell of pride that my oldest is developing a sense of responsibility.

经过一番劝解,最终我成功地让几个女孩拿起了钞票。It took some convincing, but I did manage to get a few of the girls to pick up the bills--finally.

让那些随身携带这封信并遵循它的劝解的人知道他们是受上帝吾主的祝福的。Let those who keep this writing with them and observe it know that they are blessed by the Lord God.

秉又与客户争执,荣劝解秉,秉向荣诉苦指有第三者。Bing and argue, honor with customers, we appealed to grasp bitterness toward refers to a third party.

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金超的劝解,我很感谢,王姐,我更是谢谢你,像个妈妈一样的开导我。Jinchao persuasion, I am grateful, Wang's sister, I thank you more, like my mother taught me the same.

盖尼末德又拼命记起男人有责任安慰劝解女人。Ganymede tried to recollect that it was a man's duty to comfort and console a woman, the weaker vessel.

假如一个人陷入了里面,用诗歌和祷告来劝解神性,你也会被推进去。Suppose one person gets into It by propitiating the Deity with hymns and worship, and you are pushed into It.