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他要求加薪水。He aked for raise.

20岁的田林回绝了这一要求。Tian, 20, refused.

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他起诉要求损害赔偿。He sued for damage.

他要求知道答案。He demanded to know.

他们要求尊严。They demand dignity.

怎么有这样的要求?How has this request?

我决不降低要求。I settle for no less.

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要求高标准。Demand high standards.

别向我要求那个。Do not ask that of me.

他们起诉要求赔偿损失。They sued for damages.

我可以要求补发吗?Can I have it reissued?

我不能再有什么好要求的了。I couldnt ask for more.

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我只要求一点经手之劳。I only ask a brokerage.

我们要求归还我们的贷款。We're calling our loan.

他要求他们赔偿损失。He sued them for damage.

答应我对你提出的要求!Promise what I tell you!

但它要求真正的改革。But it takes real reform.

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对要求权的允准。The allowance of a claim.

是我要求停站的。The pit stop was my call.

我们应她的要求而做。We did it at her request.