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他将校门打开。He unbarred the school gate.

他每天早晨将校门打开。He unbolts the school gate every morning.

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深圳华强集团则将校企之间的衔接做得更为紧密。Shenzhen Huaqiang Group, the interface between schools and enterprises will be doing more closely.

蒋介石曾多次集训他的将校,将我们的军事书籍发给他们研究,企图寻找对付的方法。Many times Chiang has called together his generals and his field officers, issued them our books and sought countermeasures.

凯西奥我宁愿恳求他唾弃我,也不愿蒙蔽他的聪明,让这样一位贤能的主帅手下有这麽一个酗酒放荡的不肖将校。Cassio. I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so slight, so drunken, and so indiscreet an officer.

当她正在将校车停入学校停车场的时候,开始感觉到胃的尖锐疼痛。她勉力将车停好,却感觉到越来越糟糕。As she was pulling into the school parking lot, she began having sharp stomach pains. She was able to park her bus, but she kept feeling worse.

小佐古敏庄特别指出,政府将校园内可接受辐射级别设定的相对过高,只有17家学校超出了政府制定的标准。Specifically, Mr. Kosako said the government set a relatively high ceiling for acceptable radiation in school yards, so that only 17 schools exceeded that limit.

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这些军团将校身着窄边托迦,而第六个军团将校则是力图从事元老职位的,他的托迦镶嵌的是宽边的绛色条。These tribunes wore the narrow stripe on their toga. One tribune was someone who wished to embark on a senatorial career and thus wore the broad strip on his toga.

在目前学校具体的课程开发当中,出现了将校本课程与综合实践活动课程混淆的现象。At present, in the process of curriculum development in school, it results in a phenomenon of confusing school-based curriculum and integrative practical activity curriculum.

作为口令传给众将校——这是因为佩提尼纳克斯先帝在就任皇帝时使用的口令是“让我们当兵吧!Then he ordered the watchword ' let us work' to be given to the tribune, because Pertinax when he was admitted to the imperial position had given the watchword ' Let us be soldiers'.