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我骑轻型机车去那儿。I got there by scooter.

机车噗噗地喷着气慢慢地驶去。The engine puffed slowly away.

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这台机车拉了一长列货车。There's a machine in the lobby.

我把机车停立在树底下。I set my motorcycle up under a tree.

机车噗噗地喷着气开出车站。The engine puffed out of the station.

这个视频会让你痛恨骑机车的人。This video will make you hate bikers.

德铁所属218型柴液式机车牵引双层客车。An 218 DL hauled 2 double-decked cars.

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这台机车是用电运转的。This locomotive runs upon electricity.

但大部分机车在是中国建造。But most of the trains were built in China.

我有一个战车,“5141”机车来的啦。I have a chariot, "5141" locomotive to you.

已把查道车挂在机车上了。The trolly has been hooked onto the engine.

瑞芳金矿九号洞所使用的1号机车。The No. 1 locomotive of Ruey-Fang Gold Mine.

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这正是刚才在浓雾里鸣放汽笛的那辆机车。This it was which was whistling in the mist.

机车信号对机车安全运行非常重要。Cab-signal is very important to the train travel.

我们刚才经过的石柱和飘带般的机车道。The stone pillar and winding road we just passed.

他们为我买了一部机车,另外还有一顶头盔。They bought me a motocycle, and a helmet to boot.

机车从烟囱里把烟排放到大气中。An engine emits smoke from its funnel into the air.

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19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期。Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century.

19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期.Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century.

该电机主要装在米轨机车上。The motor is mainly used on narrowgaged locomotives.