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⊙、瘦不了的永远在骚动,吃不胖的都有恃无恐。Thin not forever in the commotion, eat not fat are operated.

拿破仑自以为兵员充足,有恃无恐。Nepoleon from think the soldier is ample, there is Shi have no perhaps.

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她既是夫人的人,必是有恃无恐。She since is the madam's person, necessarily have Shi to have no perhaps.

不像平常那样有恃无恐的样子,盖恩斯与这个人交谈时带有尊重的态度。Instead of his usual bravado he talks to this unknown person with deference.

得不到的永远在驿动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。The untouchable ones are always stiring while the preferred ones all have nothing to fear.

所以这些低级军官继续有恃无恐,不用担心高级军官对他们的惩罚。So in this case the lower ranks went on a rampage without much fear of discipline from higher up.

最后,布莱恩有恃无恐得走向机器人,好奇而自信得将脸朝向它。Finally, emboldened, Brian steps up to the robot and leans his face toward it, curious and confident.

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手握核武器让金正日有恃无恐,认定他可以恣意挑衅而无人奈他何。Kim Jong-Il’s possession of nuclear weapons has convinced him he can act provocatively without punishment.

车道宽对郑明仁的有恃无恐十分怀疑,他要去找他时被阻拦在门外。Lane suspicious of ming-jen cheng has very wide, when he was going to find him be stopped outside the door.

在许多国家,有组织犯罪活动有恃无恐,成为国家政治、经济及社会的重要部分。They gangsters nave become on important part of politics, economy and society in many countries for they Rave strong backing.

萨科齐有恃无恐地在最近的政府改组中撤换了教育部长和高等教育部长,并誓言推进改革。Undaunted, Sarkozy replaced his education and higher education ministers in a recent government shakeup and vowed to push ahead.

通过对注册会计师和被审计单位博弈过程分析,可发现审计合谋现象极为隐蔽,有的则极为明显,有恃无恐。Through game analysis of CPA and audited companies, we find that some auditing collusion is extremely covert, while others axe rather overt.

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而地方政府以往在对待闲置土地上的暧昧做法也造成了企业对于囤地有恃无恐。The local government in the past in dealing with the ambiguous practice of idle land also contributed to the enterprise for the hoard to do whatever they want.

感谢诸神赐予我和善的祖父、慈祥的父母、可爱的妹妹、渊博的老师、贴心的伙伴、善良的亲友,让我有恃无恐地畅游了一回大好人生。To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers, good parents, a good sister, good teachers, good associates, good kinsmen and friends, nearly everything good.

华盛顿的政治家们不遗余力的指责那些经济危机下仍有恃无恐的高管们,并出台相应规定以使他们有所收敛。WASHINGTON'S politicians have relished the many chances to fulminate against reckless executives presented by the economic crisis, and to restrain them with regulation.

缺乏问责机制不只是允许了能力不足的接线员保留在职,它还让员工们有恃无恐地以恶劣的态度去伤害那些在电话里求助的人们。This lack of accountability doesn't just allow incompetent operators to remain on the job—it gives workers with bad attitudes license to abuse the people they are paid to protect.

这意味着直接的国际对抗,有恃无恐的伊朗政权摆出强硬的谈判姿态,为保卫德黑兰积极与国际社会的努力抗争。This means direct international confrontation, with a considerably emboldened Iranian regime and negotiating stance, aggressively combating international efforts to hem Tehran in.

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希望事情可以早点过去,不过我并不赞成美国的救市方案,因为华尔街的错为什么要由政府和纳税人来承担,这样只能让他们更有恃无恐。I hope the crisis can be resolved quickly. But I don't approval the bailout project. Because the Wall Street should be to blame for their fault, or they will be further intensified.

在陆地上,弱小的索马里临时政府忙于打击伊斯兰武装分子,法律的空白使得他们有恃无恐,这片漫无边际的海为武器装备精良的“骑士”们提供了丰富的猎场资源。With a weak interim government in Somalia fighting Islamist insurgents on land, the lawless seas around the desolate coastline have proved fertile hunting grounds for the well-armed raiders.

有恃无恐,国家在全国范围内的打击犯罪,并且让他们获得额外的法律和秩序的权力,意大利的市长已经发出了一连串的议事日程来加强“公众礼仪”。Emboldened by a nationwide crackdown on crime and a government decree giving them extra law-and-order powers, Italian mayors have issued a string of often bizarre by-laws to enhance "public decorum."