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你想要自定义您的光标笔势吗?Would you like to customize your flick gestures?

在用户使用此触笔生成系统笔势时发生。Occurs when the user raises the stylus from the Tablet PC.

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当您执行与此控件关联的笔势时发生。Occurs when you perform a gesture associated with this control.

您可以调整怎样识别启动输入面板笔势。You can adjust how your start Input Panel gesture is recognized.

使用按下并保持笔势,就像您通常进行右键单击一样。Use a press and hold gesture when you would normally right-click.

您也可以修改要传递至这个命令的笔势资讯。Also, you can modify gesture data information that will be passed to the command.

获取创建笔势位置新对象的工具命令标识符。Gets a tool command identifier for creating new objects within gesture positions.

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您可以调整怎样识别启动输入面板笔势。有关详细信息,请点击“帮助”。You can adjust how your start Input Panel gesture is recognized. For more details, tap Help.

源属性表示与用户首先在其上开始笔势的元素关联的模型。The source property represents the model associated with the element the user first began the gesture over.

草书是中国传统书法当中的一种,它笔锋圆转,笔势相连,实际上就是一种名副其实的简体汉字。The running- and cursive-hand in Chinese calligraphy has always been the most radical form of simplifying characters.

笔势指令在档案处理与编辑、图层的控制、综合应用方面,有良好的操作绩效。Pen gesture commands provided good operation performance in files handling and editing, layers control and integrated application.

另外,此事件也会提供有关进入编辑模式所使用之键盘和滑鼠笔势的资讯,并可让您选择取消编辑模式。Additionally, this event provides information about the keyboard or mouse gesture that was used to enter editing mode, and gives you the option of canceling edit mode.

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作品运用大量矩形色块堆叠、穿梭间杂著各种具中国书法点、撇、按、挪等笔势的线条,带动了视觉的流转。It juxtaposes large blocks of colour, while lines reminiscent of various Chinese calligraphy strokes shuttle between them and lead the viewer's eye through the painting.

其画风往往气魄宏大,笔势流动,既有粗犷豪放,又有细密瑰丽,内容丰富博杂,形式多姿多彩。Breadth of their style is often ambitious, pens potential flow, both rough, uninhibited, there are detailed and magnificent, rich in content Bo miscellaneous form colorful.

第二章通过分析梦窗多变的笔势和与众不同的意识流手法来感受其词的章法结构所凸显出来的突变性。In the second chapter, through the analysis of Meng's works' changeable writing and distinctive skill of stream of consciousness, it shows its mutability exposed to the composition structure.

尹湾汉墓简牍上的隶书有三种体态,皆波碟分明,结字规范,形态统一,笔势流畅,已是成熟意义上的字体。There are three kinds of styles in the official script written on the bamboo slips unearthed from Yinwan Han grave. Their clear, standard, united and unobstructed script had been very natures.

我父母的离异也带来了突如其来的大灾难,不仅改变了许多原来划定的疆界,还以箴言式的笔势勾划出使人迷惑和失落的新境遇。And there was the vast, unsuspected cataclysm of my parents' divorce, that redrew so many boundaries, and created, with the proverbial stroke of the pen, vast new areas of confusion and dismay.