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是一座真正的千年古刹。It's a real millenarian temple.

这座古刹四面环山。The ancient Buddhist temple is ringed around with hills.

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古刹的钟声响彻山谷。The bell in the ancient temple rang throughout the valley.

古刹钟声在山谷中回荡。The bells of the old temple resounded throughout the valley.

这座在战争中被毁坏的古刹不久将重建。The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.

这座古刹是在19世纪初期重建的。The old temple was restored during the early nineteenth century.

一深山古刹隐居着休休大师和七个小罗汉。Master Xiuxiu and his seven pupils live in an old mountain temple.

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那座古刹由于维护不好屋顶塌了下来。The roof of the ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance.

他发现与失散多年的珍品和险恶陷阱古刹。He discovers ancient temples with long lost treasures and menacing traps.

经历了数月无人居住的寒冬后,千年古刹即将重新开启。Unoccupied for the wintry months, this thousand-year-old temple is about to reopen.

饱历风雨、面临坍塌的古佛寺,一直有着一个光复古刹名胜的梦。In facing the collapse, the ancient temple has always been dreaming a dream of recovery.

一颗躁动的心,无论幽居于深山,还是隐没在古刹,都无法安静下来。A restless heart, whether in the mountains , or Subduction in the monastery, can not be calmed down.

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佛教在晋朝时传入黄山,轩辕峰下曾建有轩­辕古刹。Huangshan in the Jin dynasty, when Buddhism introduced, under the peak Regulus Regulus temple was built.

黄羊山上的千年古刹清凉寺是我国北方地区著名的佛教圣地。Millennium Temple Hill Huangyangchuan Qingliangsi northern areas of China's well-known Buddhist holy sites.

以源影寺塔、千年古刹水岩寺、韩文公祠为内容的古色旅游。Ancient cultural tours including Yuanyingsi Pagoda, thousand-year-old Shuiyan Temple and Han Wengong Temple.

置身其中,我为这些年代久远的古建筑群和古刹的清静所动容,同时也感受到了自身的卑微。In those places, I felt both inspired and humbled by the ancient structures and enduring calm of the temples.

天童寺又是一古刹,地位崇高,属于中国五大禅寺之一。Tiantong Temple is another important Buddhist temple in China. It has close connections with Japanese Buddhism.

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但是那个千年古刹还在,还有佛学大家的衣冠冢,甚至是那匹被神话的白马,都有了石碑。But that is also ancient temples of the Millennium, and Buddhism grave for adornment, even the white horse in legend has a vivid carve.

千年古刹水岩寺是冀东地区唯一的佛教活动场所。The ancient Shuiyan Temple built a thousand years ago is the unique place for Buddhism activities in the eastern part of Hebei Province.

15日,柬埔寨指责泰国军队进入柬境内,到达著名的古刹柏威夏寺附近,泰国则声称这是保护自己领土,两国边境局势一度紧张。Cambodia claimed the Thai troops crossed the border into Cambodian territory Tuesday. Thailand argued it was protecting its own sovereignty.