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他是主持丧事的大师。He is the Master of Mourning.

丧事唱一天,一个人才分几十块钱。That only pays a few dollars per day.

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他们在办喜事的时候跳舞,在办丧事的时候哭泣。They danced at weddings and wailed at funerals.

婚事和丧事都是动感情的时候。Weddings and funerals are the emotional events.

谁家再有丧事,必请你银娇奶奶帮哭。And she would be hired to wail at every funeral.

大门堂下将会有两起丧事。That will make two funerals under the same carriage gate.

办丧事那天,从早到晚的,都有很多人来看。A funeral would have a lot of onlookers from morning to night.

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谁家办丧事,方圆十里地都有人赶来看她哭。If there was a funeral, people from neighboring villages would come to watch her cry.

例如,一个寡妇从庞蒂克打电话来询问如何给自己刚去世的丈夫,一个退伍老兵处理丧事。For instance, a widow from Pontiac calls about her husband, a veteran who's just died.

侯母决定丧事喜事一起办,并买通巡长暂不放金父。Hou mother decided mourning together happy do not bribe, and inspector put gold father.

米歇尔主动提出帮助安排丧事,戴维感激得不得了。When Michele offered to help with the funeral arrangements, Dave could not thank her enough.

子贡是精于礼仪的,这也是孔子派他来协助处理丧事的原因。Zi Gong was proficient in convenance , which was the reason why Confucius sent him to there.

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梅家就剩下王小红操办三太太、二少爷和凤姐的丧事。House may WangXiaoGong practiced that left three wives, two young master and FengJies funeral.

这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半因为丧事,一半因为父亲赋闲。In these days home proposed projects was very bleak, half for the funeral, half for my father idleness.

从家中的每日三餐到办喜事、丧事,乃至大型的民族节日活动,喝酒是人们要做的第一件事。Drinking is the first thing at the moment of daily diet, joy or beravement events, and nationality festival.

家庭成员也同样参加比丘尼的丧事、为其修建灰身塔并撰写铭文等。Family members also participated in funeral things for Buddhist nuns, as well as built gray towers and wrote posies.

获悉令堂谢世,我深感悲伤,请接受我对丧事最深切的慰问。I was most grieved to learn the death of your dear mother. Please accept my deepest condolences upon this sad event.

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办完丧事后,芬妮在紧邻着店铺的自家客厅里跟三个女儿说明家里的情形。When the funeral was over, Fanny sat down in the parlor in the house next door to the shop and explained the situation.

就在这个地方,有一个家庭死了三十人,我看见瓦砾堆中扎起了办丧事的帐篷。It is in this area that thirty members of the same family were killed, I saw the mourning tent pitched amongst the rubble.

旧时办丧事是讲究哭丧的,只有哭得伤心,才能显示出对去世者的怀念和尊敬!In ancient times, wailing was very important at a funeral. Only grief and wailing showed yearning and respect for the dead.