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当然如果冒进推动这种变革,同时存在很大风险。But there are big risks, too, in aggressively pushing change.

中国陶金,在冒进的边缘游走?。Chinesepottery enterprise-roaming in the edge of rash advance?

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他们的盲目冒进使三年计划搞得一团糟。They queered their Three-Year Plan by their premature advance.

“我们的增长有点太冒进了,”AirTran的Haak承认说。"We grew a little too aggressively, " AirTran’s Haak admitted.

人们摒弃急燥冒进并代之以严肃认识是明智之举。People would be wise to abandon rash inclinations and instead try in earnest.

我们大大的低估了这项工作的艰巨性,犯了“左”倾冒进的错误。We undervalued this work's difficulty seriously, and this was a leftism fault.

几个月来,布什的战略迫使自己冒进,而萨达姆却指挥若定。For months, Mr . Bush's strategy has forced his own hand more than Saddam Hussein's.

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韩国政府要求一个明确的军事冒进动作行为,不可饶恕的。South Korea's government calls the act a clear military provocation and unpardonable.

然而没有人知道这一切有多么冒进,直到燃油价格的高涨将航空业抛进了漩涡。Nobody realized just how aggressively until fuel prices threw the industry into a nosedive.

“对我来说,至关重要的是不要冒进,”他采用了北约的官方说法解释说。"For me the critical thing is to be non-kinetic, " he says, employing Nato-speak for not shooting.

急躁冒进的古腾贝格将发现,国防改革是场消耗战而非骑兵冲锋。Defence reform, the dashing Mr zu Guttenberg will discover, is a warofattrition, not a cavalry charge.

斯坦福大学能源效率研究中心的詹姆斯·斯威尼称该计划“非常冒进”。James Sweeney of Stanford University's Precourt Energy Efficiency Center calls the plan “very aggressive.

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斯坦福大学能源效率研究中心的詹姆斯·斯威尼称该计划“非常冒进”。James Sweeney of Stanford University’s Precourt Energy Efficiency Center calls the plan “very aggressive.”

疏于管理也导致了华尔街经理们的冒进以及拜占庭式的金融产品泛滥。Lax regulation failed to keep tabs on Wall Street's excessive risk-taking and byzantine financial products.

接着突然冒进来一个新名字,大谈疯人疯语。Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, a new name entered, rambling on and on about being the presentment of madness.

田心还说其实天外天走到今天这一步最大的问题是唐力急功冒进好大喜功。Tian Xin said TianWaiTian go today this step actually the biggest problem is Tang Li urgent work aggressive excesses.

在抵押贷款市场,劣币驱逐良币,那些信用低的贷款者另每家银行都因害怕失去市场份额而追赶者冒进的竞争对手。In mortgages, bad lenders drove out good ones, keeping up with aggressive competitors for fear of losing market share.

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他真的很害怕在全新的领域冒进,去质疑长期以来一直被接受的理念。He was really afraid to venture into entirely new ground, to question ideas which had been accepted from time immemorial.

当然,广州队需要保持稳定的心态,不能冒进,谨防阴沟翻船。Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized.

对那些会控制你情绪波动的大头寸保持警惕,也就是说,在市场上不要过分冒进。Beware of large positions that can control your emotions and feelings. In other words don’t be overly aggressive with the market.