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这是故意的。This is intentional.

狄克故意在找别人的麻烦。Dick is being difficult.

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不要故意教他在别人面前受窘。Don't put him on the spot.

同样,这是故意的。Again, this is intentional.

我是故意在这里用简单这个词的。I use simple advisedly here.

你是在故意侮辱她!You are being insulting her!

你故意忤逆我。You deliberately disobey me.

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也许他是故意这么做的?Maybe he does this on purpose?

你故意违背我。You deliberately disobeyed me.

我明白了。你是说上帝是故意找你的碴?I see. So God is picking on you?

狡猾是故意的伤害。Slyness is hurting deliberately.

但它容易为故意捣乱所伤。But it is vulnerable to vandalism.

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这很令人烦躁,故意的对不对?These are lousy. Deliberately. OK?

不得故意摇晃座骑。Do not deliberately shake the seat.

那几年我认为他是故意控制饮食的贪食症患者”。For years I thought he was bulimic.

我是故意这么说的。And I said it deliberately that way.

她故意冷落旧友。She cold-shouldered her old friends.

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有人说他是被故意推下的。Some say he was pushed deliberately.

你不要故意闹笑话了。Don't make a fool of yourself anymore.

相反,你却故意违抗。Instead,you deliberately disobeyed me.