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我有用功在读书。I try read.

我有用功在读书。I try 2 read.

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这个表述法有用,为什么It's useful why?

因此它是非常有用的。So this is really useful.

你觉得它是有用吗?Do you consider it useful?

这篇博客有用吗?Was this blogspot helpful?

碳排放交易有用吗?What about carbon trading?

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学英语真得有用吗?。Is learning English useful?

盐是一种有用的物质。Salt is a useful substance.

马对人类有用。The horse is useful to man.

红酒木瓜靓汤真的有用吗?Red papaya soup really work?

马对人类有用。A horse is useful to mankind.

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做有用的,但别做用旧了的。Be of use, but don't be used.

制鞋业是有用的行业。Shoemaking is a useful trade.

这是一个很有用的特性。This is a very handy feature.

你们有用完即丢的镜片吗?Do you have disposable lenses?

马是一种有用的植物。The horse is a helpful animas.

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我们所需要的是有用的书。What we nees are useful books.

你认为这个更新的内容有用吗?Do you find this update useful?

维生素C真的有用吗?Does the vitamin C really help?