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这位将军是以最隆重的军礼下葬。This general was buried with full military honors.

他行军礼时碰起鞋后跟来象舞蹈家一样熟练。He clicked his heels as perfectly as a dancer does.

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讲武是古代军礼的重要组成部分。Military Parade is a crucial part in the military ritual.

城里举行军礼葬,他总是扛大旗。He always carried the flag at the G. A. R. funerals in the town.

他进来,行了个军礼,向主教走去。He entered and advanced to the Bishop, making a military salute.

那个警察站起来,向我们鞠了一躬,又喀嚓一声立正行了个军礼。The policeman rose to his feet, bowed to us and then clicked his heels together.

现场照片显示,姆拉迪奇还给周围的人行了一个军礼。Scene photos show the people around Mladic returned to the line of a military salute.

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好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。Death appeared to him with large epaulets, and he almost made the military salute to him.

尼姆觉得哈里·伦敦就差要给他敬一个漂亮的军礼了。Nim had the feeling that Harry London was restraining himself from snapping off a smart salute.

野孩行了个军礼,高高兴兴地从那大街垒的缺口跨出去了。The gamin made the military salute and passed gayly through the opening in the large barricade.

在一张照片中,一名赤裸者立正并向国旗行了一个军礼。In one of the photos the nude stood upright and gave a military-like salute to their national flag.

从那时起,旧金山警察表明约书亚诺顿方面,提供了一个军礼。From that time on, the San Francisco policemen showed respect to Joshua Norton by giving a military salute.

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代理警察司令艾哈迈德将军礼Radan说,有几个人已被逮捕,但没有说明有多少。Acting police commander Gen Ahmed Reza Radan said several people had been arrested, but did not specify how many.

战友们发现,副连长已经泪如雨下,但给黄小郎的,却是一个标准的军礼。Arms found that the deputy company commander had succeeded, but the small yellow Lang, it is a standard ceremony.

小小的黑龙是最勇敢的战士,它当得起战友们为它献上的最崇敬的军礼。Small black dragon is the most brave warrior, and when it can afford comrades give it one of the most revered military salute.

丽莎按住了福尔塞提的肩头。“现在应该有两个人够格当太空堡垒的舰长了。”他们互敬军礼,而后庄重的握手。She put her hand on his shoulder. "It's time there were two SDF-qualified skippers . " They saluted, then shook hands solemnly.

军礼由中世纪的一个动作演化而来。当时的骑士举起他们的头盔来显示自己的身份。The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

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林丹再次登上了领奖台,成功卫冕,他露出了最美丽的微笑,向着飘摇的五星红旗,敬了一个标准的军礼!Lin Dan again on the podium, successfully defending, he had the most beautiful smile, to the five-star red flag fluttering, saluting standard!

市长起身告别,随随便便地敬了个军礼,伸腿就朝门外走,外套的扣子也没系。The Mayor stood up, said goodbye with a casual military salute, and walked toward the door, stretching his legs, without buttoning up his tunic.

“讲武礼”是中国古代军礼的重要一种,起源于先秦,最初是君王检阅军队训练成果的一项皇家礼仪。Originated from Pre-Qin Dynasty, ceremonial parades was an ancient military ceremony performed as an royal rites when the emperor reviewed the army.