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我的风格就是这样起家的。That was how my style got started.

早在1938年,三星干面粉行业起家。Samsung began as a small noodle business in 1938.

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罗莎丽亚靠制造睡衣和内衣起家。She started off making gowns and lingerie in her home.

山东没什么可NB的,只是曹操在这里起家而已!Shandong have nothing to NB, only Cao Cao started here !

它在这里排第一,应该没有什么争议,这款游戏是任天堂开始起家时,做出来的产品。Any disputes here? This game from Nintendo started gaming.

纳尔勒•奥迪欧是澳大利亚阿德莱德起家的一名摄影师。Narelle Autio is a photographer based in Adelaide, Australia.

两家公司的创办者是薄本起家方法的早期实践者。Both firms' founders were early practitioners of the lean startup method.

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好多禽兽就是靠这种诺言起家的,那是欺骗!By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie.

许多著名的摇滚乐手是从车库乐队起家的。A lot of rock stars started out playing in garage bands before they got big.

黄光裕对于自己如何起家,一直讳莫如深。Wong Kwong Yu about how to start their own has been a closely-guarded secret.

写一个像韦小宝那样的草根起家的故事是很需要技术的。Wei Xiaobao like to write a story started out as grass-roots technology is needed.

我司成立于2007年,是以国际快递起家的物流服务中心。Our comany set up in the year of 2007, started from international Express business.

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兰贵成说起家中王阿姨之事后他妈要急忙回去。LanGuiCheng about home aunt wang that you would step afterwards his mother hurried to go back.

伊势丹于1886年以和服店起家,伊势丹是跻身世界500强的零售企业。ISTAN, originated in 1886 providing Kimono services, is one of the top 500 companies of retail.

以阴谋和地下组织起家的执政党把这种神秘散播于各处。Starting from the conspiratorial, underground origins of the ruling party, it spread everywhere.

琳达·哈威起家时是当地剧团的一名歌手,可是从那时起她越来越走红。Harvey started as a singer in a local group, but since then she's gone from strength to strength.

而面对生存和竞争,本土起家的“土狼”们总是能找到办法。And face opposite is put and compete, of native land build up " aardwolf " people always can find way.

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ModCloth的科格尔表示,他的企业是通过开放源代码购物系统起家的。Eric from ModCloth said that their business started by using a series of open source shopping systems.

琳达·哈威起家时是当地剧团的一名歌手,可是从那时起她越来越走红。Linda Harvey started as a singer in a local group, but since then she's gone from strength to strength.

通用汽车的斯隆自己办厂起家,被杜兰特收购兼并后成为公司高管。Sloan GM started their own factories, by Durant became the company mergers and acquisitions executives.