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这个警卫擅离职守。The guard deserted his post.

警卫!警卫!把这个人拉出去!Guard! Guardl Take this man away!

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在携枪的警卫的监视下。Watched over by guards with guns.

强盗枪杀了警卫。The bandit gunned the guards down.

他看见费格斯和一个警卫守在屋外。He sees Ferguson outside with a guard.

高亚问值夜班的警卫。Gonyar asked the rightside night guard.

他们曾经丢失了45头羊和一条警卫犬。They had lost 45 sheep and a guard dog.

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他企图贿赂警卫而逃走。He tried to escape by bribing the guard.

在警卫室内,挖掘工作继续着。The dig continues inside the guard room.

警方表示这两人是安全警卫人员。Police said the two were security guards.

警卫向车上的军官敬礼。The guard saluted the officer in the car.

野营的警卫人员每天晚上调换。The camp guards are exchanged every night.

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警卫点头并且告诉他唱吧。The guard nodded and told him to go ahead.

一个警卫打开了房门,Maricruz走了进来。A guard opens the door and Maricruz enters.

你们今天警卫换岗吗?Do you have the changing of the guard today?

他被警卫赶了回来,笑得更愉快了。He's shooed back by guards to more laughter.

囚犯骗过警卫逃跑了。The inmate outwitted his guards and escaped.

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废弃的边界警卫哨卡。This frontier guard station is abandoned now.

武装警卫把罪犯解送到监狱。Armed guards escorted the criminals to prison.

监狱的警卫们被动员起来应对暴乱。The prison guards are gearing up for the riot.