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每个学生依次从高丝绸帽的帽顶取出他的三便士。E ach boy in turn plucks his threepence from the crown of at all silk hat.

用“锥形”这个词可以概括出帽顶与底部相比有多窄。“Taper” describes how narrow the top of the crown is compared to the bottom.

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羽饰丝绒帽一种帽顶完整,帽沿小而微曲的羽毛装饰的丝绒帽,常见于16世纪的法国。A plumed velvet cap with a full crown and small rolled brim, worn in16th-century France.

一种帽顶完整,帽沿小而微曲的羽毛装饰的丝绒帽,常见于16世纪的法国。A plumed velvet cap with a full crown and small rolled brim, worn in 16th-century France.

流苏应当系在学位帽顶的中间部位并使之自然下垂。Tassels should be fastened to the middle of the cap's top and allowed to lie where it will.

帽顶用软材料做成半圆锥形结构并与帽沿相连接。A hat top is made into a semi-conical structure by soft materials and connected with the brim.

用“锥形”这个词可以概括出帽顶与底部相比有多窄。Here's an example of a hat that tapers. Notice how it gets narrower near the top of the crown.

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他用手指轻轻地摸找帽顶和帽边,以肯定它没有被压坏。With his fingers, he gently searched the crown and brim of his hat to be sure it wasn't being crushed.

一种大草帽或毡帽,有宽帽檐、高帽顶,尤其为墨西哥及美国西南部地区人们佩戴。A large straw or felt hat with a broad brim and tall crown, worn especially in Mexico and the American southwest.

黑暗里她用手指轻轻地摸找帽顶和帽边,以肯定它没有被压坏。With her fingers, she gently searched the crown and brim of her hat in the dark to be sure it wasn't being crushed.

法冠帽顶有三或四道边的硬方帽,尤为罗马天主教教士所戴,牧师戴黑色,主教戴紫色,红衣主教戴红色。Birettas are worn especially by Roman Catholic clergy and are black for priests, purple for bishops, and red for cardinals.

他戴着一顶棒球帽,突出的帽檐就像是一个特大号的鸭嘴,像是“大鼻子情圣”西拉诺的鸭舌帽一样,帽顶上写着“他们正在监视着你”。He wore a baseball cap with a brim that poked out like an oversize duck's bill like the Cyrano of duck bills the crown of which read "They spy on you".

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由于现有技术中存在着有时因食物堵塞而发生将限压阀上的盖帽顶开等事故,给使用者带来不安全感。Because the phenomenon of food clogging exists in the prior art, a covering cap on the pressure-limiting valve is pushed away and other accidents occur to make the user feel insecurity.

雍正朝在官服制度中对玻璃帽顶的明确规定,开创了清代以玻璃替代宝石作为官员冠饰的先河。In the Yongzheng period bureaucratic regulations stipulated the wearing of glass hat ornaments and initiated the system in which glass ornaments replaced precious stones in court dress.

本文还通过对玉帽顶与玉炉顶的考辨,认为白玉半圆形纽即为元代玉帽顶。In addition, the thesis analyses in depth about jade hat button and stove button, and dose textual research the semicircle button of Qianyu tomb which had been jade hat button in Yuan dynasty.