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用列维斯特劳斯的话说就是“土著的“They are thonic, or "autochthonous" in Levi-Strauss' word.

深水原地沉积主要包括深水泥页岩沉积。The autochthonous mainly includes the argillaceous deposit.

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淮南麻鸭是河南省优良地方家禽品种。Huainan partridge duck is excellently autochthonous breed in Henan Province.

远古或土著宗教膜拜的对象可能十分的不吸引人,或者极其丑陋。The fetish objects of ancient or autochthonous religions can be quite unprepossessing, or positively ugly.

作为霍乱病原体的霍乱弧菌,是自然水体中的正常菌群。As the pathogen of Cholera, Vibrio cholerae are autochthonous microbial communities in aquatic environments.

深水沉积根据沉积物来源可以分为深水异地沉积和深水原地沉积。According to sources of the sediment the deep-water sediments can be divided into the allochthonous and the autochthonous types.

研究结果表明香溪河在夏季其上游物质来源以附石性藻类生产为主,下游则以异源性细有机颗粒输入为主。The trend showed that the autochthonous energy dominated in the upstream and the input of allochthonous energy dominated in the downstream.

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其三,要努力创造自己国家的品牌,并打入国际市场和占领新兴市场。主要是中国、俄罗斯市场。Thirdly, autochthonous national brands should be created and then the overseas markets should be entered and occupied, for instance, market of China and Russia.

最近的应征者和申请人包括斯德哥尔摩城市规划委员会的档案,奔驰1886年的专利,以及CD—ROM上的高加索民族的原生态音乐。Recent inductees and applicants include the Stockholm City Planning Committee Archives, the Benz patent of 1886, and Autochthonous Ethnic Music of the Caucasus on CD-ROM.

保护区总面积5400公顷,其中核心区3150公顷,该保护区是中原地带唯一保存完整的森林和野生动物类型生态区。Protectorate total area 5400 hectares, the core area 3150 hectares, this protectorate is the autochthonous zone only preservation complete forest and the wild animal type ecology area.

撒丁岛拥有控制其统治相当丰富的文化遗产谁是土生土长的人由过去的几个世纪的葡萄和介绍的,现在葡萄视为本地。Sardinia has a pretty rich heritage of autochthonous grapes and the ones introduced in the past centuries by the people who controlled its dominion, are now considered as local grapes.

通过本区的勘探成果分析及与邻区的对比,分析本区可能存在的油藏类型,得出了层序地层格架中的沉积相分布规律。We analyzed possible oil reservoir type existence, and obtained oil agglomerate rule of sequence formation frame by analyzing autochthonous exploration result and comparing with ortho-area.