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我们一起唱歌。We sang together.

一起做剪贴簿.Scrapbook together.

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那两个一起。Those two together.

我们都是一事。We are all together.

很了解彼此,一起长大。We grew up together.

一起搭积木。Build Legos together.

一块儿去购物。Go shopping together.

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我们共同建设的。We built it together.

我们一起奋斗。We struggle together.

让我们一起学习吧。Let us study together.

皇后和我一起.Queen and me together.

它们共同演化。They evolved together.

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一起吃早餐.Eat breakfast together.

我同你在一起。I am together with you.

他们在一起很有乐趣。They have fun together.

他们一起旅游。They traveled together.

将裁开的两个边粘上。Glue the edges together.

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一起去溜冰。Go ice skating together.

我们的合照看起来怎样?How do we look together?

让我们尽快聚聚。Let's get together soon.