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一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。A broad-planed strong, womanly face.

他说,那样会使我更象女人些。He said it would make me more womanly.

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强调你自己妖娆女人的身段。Accentuate your curves and womanly body.

她对他的身体状况表现出了女性的关心。She showed a womanly concern for their health.

我能够证明你可以既聪明又有女人味。I'm proof that you can be both smart and womanly.

不过,或许这只是我的本能说妇。But, maybe that's just my womanly instinct talking.

二十八年的闺房生活却如此寂寥。Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome.

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你失去了些许春天的明媚,但是你增添了一抹女人的魅力。You lose some of your springy brightness, but you add a touch of womanly charm.

她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人步伐。She went , with her neat figure , and her sober womanly step , down the dark street.

主赐女性之力,教她以女性之长,给主荣耀。The God-given strengths of a woman were given to bring glory to God through her womanly differences

她们虽代表了女性美甚至人性美的两极,但她们都不能称之为“完美”。Though representing two extremes of womanly and human beauty, they cannot be thought of as "perfect".

她们虽然已经胜出,他对自己的父亲说,可似乎缺乏女性的才质。These women have excelled, he said to his father, but they seem to be lacking in the womanly qualities.

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这种腼腆,这种羞涩,这种中国的“幽”字所表达的特性,我可以说,它是一切女性的本质特征。This pudeur, I may say here, this bashfulness, the quality expressed by the Chinese word yu is the essence of all womanly qualities.

当然是强大的潮流——尤其是外套的强势回归和对于更加女性化的圆形轮廓的全新关注。There are, of course, strong trends — particularly in the powerful return of outerwear and a new focus on a more womanly and rounded figure.

我不知道什么是现代女性美,因为在我的心目中,女性美在于女性身上那些比较永恒的素质,与时代不相干。I know nothing about modern womanly beauty, but in my mind, it lies in women's everlasting qualities which have nothing to do with the times.

如果一个女人,她的身材够火辣,她的态度够冷艳,她的动作够性感,那么就算不争取,也会有人拱手送上这样一个角色,让她成为电影史上有名的吸血鬼女王。As if womanly curves out the wazoo, a spitfire attitude, and sexy as hell accent wasn't enough, she had to go and be queen to the bloodsuckers too.

因而,在“仆人统治”中长大之后,当我突然获得女人抚爱的甘霖滋润的机会时,我不会不欣然领受它的。So after being brought up in the servants' quarters when I suddenly came in for a profusion of womanly affection, I could hardly remain unconscious of it.

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她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出俐落匀称的身材,端庄的女人步伐,他站在那儿看着她,一直等到她转身走进一座小房里去。She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses.

他的作品显示出他不寻常的能力,能把温柔和几乎像女人一样的感情,与有魔法的对奇怪、超自然的恐怖、鬼和灵魂的描述,结合起来。His work reveals his unusual power of combining tender, almost womanly sentiment with witching descriptions of strange, supernatural terrors, of ghosts and spirits.

指望这琥珀色头发的塞壬尊严寡言或端庄贤淑,看来是愚蠢的,就象希望在云雀歌唱的清晰高音里听到厚实的低音一样。It would have seemed as foolish to expect dignified reserve or womanly gravity from this amber-haired syren , as to wish for rich basses in the clear treble of a skylark's song.