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睡眠进食只是令人不安吗?Just as disconcerting?Sleep-eating.

起初,你会觉得这样令人惊惶不安。You may find this disconcerting at first.

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在某些情况下,此项行为会让使用者仓皇失措。In some cases, this behavior can be disconcerting to the user.

不过仔细看看他们过往的记录会发现一个很令人不安的事实。However, a look at their track record reveals a disconcerting fact.

事实上,我们突然意识到它有些令人不安。The fact that we're suddenly discovering it is a little disconcerting.

去年夏天这一切都已经以令人不安的准确性显现出预兆来。All this had been foreshadowed with disconcerting accuracy last summer.

我们在柬埔寨其它地方受到了友好的款待,有时有些人甚至会过分客气使我们感觉不安。Elsewhere, we were greeted warmly — sometimes with a disconcerting attentiveness.

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当然,你不能直直地盯着别人,因为这样会令人感到不安和害怕!Of course, you don’t stare intently as that could be a bit disconcerting and spooky!

更让人难堪的是,拎着书走到借书处我才被动发现!More disconcerting is carrying a book, go to the library before I discovered passively!

天文物体也会让司机神经兮兮,好像它们在“跟着”他们的车一样。Astronomical objects can also be disconcerting to drivers, as they seem to “follow” the car.

可是,看到一个拥有如此多采取行动动机的行业还在如此拖延,实在令人不安。But it's disconcerting to see so much dawdling in an industry with so much incentive to act.

但是更令人担忧的是这一现象也适用于信息产业。But even more disconcerting are the implications of this phenomenon for the information industry.

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罗伯.克劳司刚搬进他那屋龄一百年的屋子时,那些奇怪的声响并不怎麽悦耳。When Robert Klose first moved into his 100-year-old house, its strange sounds were disconcerting.

起飞前那场对空中事故或迫降的安全准备程序表演实在让人糟心。I find it very disconcerting to be told of midair emergency or crash landing procedures prior to takeoff.

她长著一个肥鼓鼓的蒜头鼻子,一双碧蓝的眼珠直盯盯地凝视著,令人感到不安。She had a fleshy, bulbous nose and eyes which stared out, a fine bright blue, with a disconcerting fixity.

一种使人不知怎样好的天气,大家打着懒长的哈欠,疲倦而又痛快。It was disconcerting weather, people yawned long and lazily, feeling languorous and happy at the same time.

但是,困惑比偶尔在夜间溜达要好因为潜在的危险是由梦游病导致的。Still, more disconcerting than the occasional nocturnal stroll is the potential peril caused by sleepwalking.

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最令人尴尬不安的是,她不太愿意花上一定的时间把目光停留在他身上与他对视,枉他满心急切,尽是关爱和疑惑。Most disconcerting of all, she wouldn’t look at him for long enough to satisfy his eager and loving curiosity.

此次下跌不安的一面是在中国尤其在互联网上发泄出的抨击。One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet.

他说看到癌症病例在纽约警察局的同事和其它急救员身上不断出现感觉到不安。He says the number of cancer cases he sees among his NYPD colleagues and other first-responders is disconcerting.