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她倨傲地微微一笑。She gave a supercilious smile.

她的傲慢态度使我极为愤怒。Her supercilious attitude enraged me.

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那个军官高傲自大。The officer was supercilious and self-conceited.

医生是目空一切过于自信的人。Dr. A is the man with supercilious overconfidence.

高傲自大是成功的流沙。Supercilious and self-conceited is the quicksand of success.

可是埃姆说话的态度并没有讥讽或傲慢狂妄的气味。Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke.

这种目空一切的心态把我归入大路货的档次。This supercilious attitude relegates me to the level of the commonplace.

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帕克曼间或在文章里流露出高傲的态度。Parkman occasionally allows a supercilious tone to creep into his writings.

其反应是故意采取傲慢的姿态来掩饰自身缺乏自信。The response is to assume a supercilious pose to hide a lack of confidence.

就如这里街上的鸽子,在人群在自在地飞跃,觅食,旁若无人。Just like here in the streets of the Dove, the crowd in to leap, foraging, supercilious.

如今的他已是个三十岁的卷发男人,说话僵冷,举止高傲。Now he was a sturdystraw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner.

如今的他已是个三十岁的卷发男人,说话僵冷,举止高傲。Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner.

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虽然有时有些高傲,但我十分喜欢结交朋友并与他们打成一片。Although sometimes some supercilious , I like knot to make friend very and get along well with them.

男人应该具备的素质,坚强,勇敢,而又不缺乏幽默,还有那种目空一切的霸气。Men should have the quality, strong, brave, but not the lack of humor, the kind of supercilious Baqi.

眼球向外偏斜,称外斜视,俗称“斜白眼”。Eyeball is outward and deflective , the strabismus outside saying, common says " inclined supercilious look ".

四人头顶扣着一色的帽子在校园里排队游走,那高傲的架势仿佛是在接受检阅的士兵。Four head buckle the uniform hat in the campus queuing walk, supercilious posture like the soldiers on parade.

这个怪异的秋天总使我们眼角噙满眼泪,同时又使我们嘴角布满讥诮。This autumn has gone nuts, as tears well up in our eyes and supercilious smiles tug at the corner of our mouths.

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没有,我从来不会在公共场合化妆。你可能以为自己很自信,很高傲,但这样做实际上是破坏了礼仪规范。No, I never do that. You might think you are self-assured and supercilious , but it's really a breach of etiquette.

从此,白眼狼成了翻眼不认恩人情、忘恩负义的代名词。Henceforth, the supercilious look wolf became looked away does not recognize graciousness human sentiment, the ungrateful pronoun.

或者是因为狗的脾气好,不像猫那样傲慢,所以中国人不说“走猫”而说“走狗”?Perhaps the reason why we prefer to say "running dogs" rather than "running cats" is that dogs are good-tempered while cats are supercilious.