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难道你不喜欢我的头巾吗?Don't you like my bandanna?

这些天,她的印花大手帕通常是红色的。These days, her bandanna is usually red.

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丝巾会藏著她的燃烧耳朵。The bandanna would have hidden her burning ears.

他用一条蓝色的大手帕擦擦前额,又笑了笑。He wiped his forehead with a blue bandanna and smiled again.

我弄了条止血带,能让她的手停止流血。But I was able to tourniquet them off with this bandanna I found.

另外防毒面具和新情人的所有字符日手帕。Plus gas mask and new Valentine's Day bandanna for all characters.

再戴一条围巾,围脖或者丝巾遮住你的脖子、嘴和鼻子。Then, wear a scarf, neck gaiter, or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.

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是坐着轮椅来的,她已经由于转移性骨折而不能行走,戴着时尚的头巾。She arrived in a wheelchair, unable to walk from metastatic fractures, wearing a stylish bandanna.

她是典型的斯波坎女人,头上总是紧束着一块紫色的印花大手帕。She was one of those Spokane women who always wore a purple bandanna tied tightly around her head.

她把一个像老鼠的丝巾从她的口袋拉出来而且扫除涵盖了它的灰尘最坏。She pulled a ratty bandanna out of her pocket and wiped away the worst of the dust that covered it.

找大手帕勾勒海盗在此免费视频面对涂料约容易画脸的设计技巧。Get tips for outlining a pirate bandanna a with face paints in this free video about easy face painting designs.

昆特船长在书里穿着T恤和褪了色的牛仔裤,在屏幕上则以大胡子和印花大手帕示人。Quint, who in the book wore a T-shirt and faded jeans and in the film had a beard and a bandanna , was a plainer dresser.

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老娘确实没戴头巾,没穿拖拖拉拉的牛仔裤,没开小卡车,可这不代表我就想跟你滚床单。Just because I'm not wearing a bandanna and baggy jeans and riding in a pickup truck doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you.

次日早晨,他用一块红色的印花大手帕包了一些点心,告别了双亲,出发去闯天下。The next morning, he bundled up some food in a red bandanna handkerchief, told his parents good-by, and set off into the world.

他们透过包裹著鼻和嘴的绷带认出他是什麽人,他的衣服破烂、皮肤脱落。They recognized him by the bandanna covering his nose and mouth. His garments were torn and his skin peeled away from his body.

电影和角色令每个男人和每个男孩都想买上一把大号的格斗军刀,袒着胸膛,泥浆裹身,系上红色的头带,在丛林里呼啸奔腾。This movie and character made every man and boy want to go out buy an over-sized military combat knife, strip topless, cover himself in mud, put on a red bandanna and live in the forest.

我们会给它起名叫Bandit,用红色的大手帕围在它的脖子上,我们会令它去湖边,放在一个敞篷皮卡里,头探出车窗当我们开车的时候,它们会冲着广播在那嚎叫。We’d name him Bandit and put a red bandanna around his neck and we’d take him out to the lake in a pickup truck and he’d hang his head out the window as we drove, howling along to the radio.