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他叹了一口气,然后开始说起来,结结巴巴地,讲得很抽象。He sighs, then starts to talk, haltingly, abstractly.

我还记得我们入神地望着它的时间。I remember the time when we staring at it, abstractly.

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但做一般性思考的参与者情况正好相反。But this was reversed when participants were thinking abstractly.

简·保德塔地球三角洲是一种抽象地设计的黄色的床。Jens Boldt s Earth Delta is a yellow colored abstractly designed bed.

程序员了解层次结构,但许多用户并不会用抽象的方式进行思考。Programmers understand hierarchies, but many users don't think that abstractly.

例如,孩子一旦进入学校,就总得接触各种各样的作业,而教育的首要任务就是培养学生的学习能力、解决问题的能力以及抽象思维能力。Schooling requires above all that students learn, solve problems and think abstractly.

我本以为只有猿类,人类真正的祖先才能够进行抽象思维的。I thought that only apes , the actual evolutionary predecessors of humans, could think abstractly.

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随着十几岁的孩子慢慢成熟,他们开始抽象、理性地思维,并会形成自己的道德标准。As teens mature, they start to think more abstractly and rationally. They're forming their moral code.

正如我们能够知道的,对于这个实验而言,做一般性思考的参与者所要考虑的,为什么要保持良好的人际关系的原因并不重要。As you can see, for the purposes of this experiment, the reason participants were thinking abstractly didn't matter so much.

现代电弧炉炼钢过程可抽象地描述为多变量、线性、态的、合系统。The modern EAF steelmaking process could be abstractly described as a multivariable, non-linear and dynamically coupled system.

或者,我们更该抽象地理解这个LOGO它构成了一个行走东西方,书与人同途的认知世界。Or, we this understood that abstractly this LOGO it constituted one to walk East and West, the book and the human with way's cognition world.

根据莱考夫的概念隐喻理论,隐喻是人们理解抽象概念进行抽象思维的重要途经。Based on the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphor is a very important channel for people to understand abstract concepts and think abstractly.

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景观天花板由回忆的涟漪所扭曲,产生了一种显然的特征,抽象地描绘了法国风土的宽度。Contorted by reminiscent ripples, the «landscape ceiling» casts a striking feature that abstractly depicts the widebreadth of France's terroirs.

第三章采用比较的方法抽象地分析了分业银行制度和混业银行制度的利弊。Adopting comparative method, the third character analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of segregation and universal banking system abstractly.

他们必须抽象地和大胆的删除次要部件和构成主体,这样虽然步骤简单,色彩则显得妩媚明亮。They must delete secondary parts and compose the main body properly, abstractly and boldly. Though simple, the color then appears charmingly bright.

因此,等离子体谱线致宽理论对以上恒星谱线非热加宽给予了理论解释。Thus, the nonthermal broadening in the stars' spectral lines above has been explained abstractly by the theory of spectral lines broadening in plasmas.

论文采用有限状态自动机模拟人体运动过程,将人体步行运动抽象为七个运动状态的循环。In this paper, finite-state automata is used to simulate the human walking and human walking is abstractly divided into the cycle of seven motion states.

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通过绿色产品族的三元组表述,建立了绿色产品族到零部件族的映射关系,抽象表述了基于继承的绿色产品族。Based on the triple depiction of GPF, a mapping relationship from GPF to component family was established and GPF based on inheritance was abstractly depicted.

公理化设计是设计领域的通用性设计理论,它以四个域和两条设计公理抽象地概括设计领域的基本规律。Axiomatic design is a general design theory in the design field, using the four domains and two design axioms it generalizes abstractly basic role of design field.

该文针对网络流量的特点,将卡尔曼滤波和小波分析混合的预测算法引入到网络流量预测领域中,对其进行了理论证明。According to the characters of traffic, a novel network traffic prediction algorithm in whichKalman filter and wavelet are mixed is presented and proved abstractly.