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悲伤的往事令人断肠。The sad past is heartbroken.

也不过是断肠二字。Is nothing but the word heartbroken.

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心碎的埃洛伊丝则成了一名修女。The heartbroken Heloise became a nun.

夕阳西下,断肠人在刷牙!Sundowners, heartbroken people in brushing!

“断肠人懒揩流泪眼”?若如此,可否译作。I am too heartbroken to wipe tears out at all ?

可怜了所有爱她的人,一定为此而心痛捥惜。Poor those people who love her! They must be heartbroken.

她女儿逃家后她心碎了。She was heartbroken after her daughter ran away from home.

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我呆若木鸡由现场和伤心在同一时间。I am transfixed by that scene and heartbroken at the same time.

蝉声无一些烦恼,自是愁人枉断肠。Cicada without some trouble, people naturally worry in vain heartbroken.

离开让我伤心的地方,为自己的梦想而奋斗!Leaving the palce where makes me heartbroken. and to strive for my dream!

一曲相思,两种惆怅,万般妩媚,终究断肠。Acacia, two kinds of melancholy, worth of charming, after all heartbroken.

柯里于上周五晚间证实了“袜子”的死讯,并称自己“非常伤心”。Currie confirmed Socks' death Friday evening and said she was "heartbroken."

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阿尔弗雷德的姐姐尼尔死于1964,死时仍为弟弟的死而伤心。His sister Nell died, still heartbroken by his brutal wartime death, in 1964.

姜春阳和刘兰都看到了儿子的变化,很心疼。Jiang Chunyang and Liu Lan witnessed their son's changes and felt heartbroken.

姜春阳和刘兰都看到了儿子的变化,很心疼。Jiang Chunyang and Liu Lan witnessed their son’s changes and felt heartbroken.

当他把曾经对你的好,转嫁到她人身上时,你才感到何其的难过,心如刀割。When he was good for you, passed on to her person, you know how sad, heartbroken.

我从未这样激动,感动,揪心甚至害怕,仅仅是因为这个战争故事。Never before have I been so excited, moved, heartbroken or terrified by a war story.

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她伤心透了。看到她失望,我也觉得自己的喉咙哽噎。She was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tighten as I sensed her disappointment.

如果她知道你把她的忠告当成耳旁风,她会很伤心的。She would feel heartbroken if she knew that her advice to you had fallen on deaf ears.

在今夜,那有蒹葭轻摇的河水顺流而下,把那断肠的呼唤,飘散在季节之后。Tonight, there is the Rock River downstream, the heartbroken call, blowing in the season.