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当我看到你的时候我就知道你带了假发。I know a toupee when I see one.

头发掉了后,他买了一顶假发。When he grew bald he bought a toupee.

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你在那个劣质的假发上花了多少钱?How much did you spend on that bad toupee?

干啥都行,但是别动我的假发…Whatever you do, don't pull my toupee off.

我不戴假发,这是我的头发,我发誓。I don't wear a toupee. It's my hair. I swear.

有人在集会上抢走了州长的假发。They took the governor's toupee at the rally.

他的假发掉了,露出了光头。His toupee dropped off, revealing his bald head.

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假发?别指望政府给你买单!Want hair? Don't expect insurance toupee for it!

她的丈夫在沱牌公司当工程师。Her husband works as an engineer in Toupee company.

我是秃头,我同意为一家假发公司做代言人。I am bald and I agreed to be the spokesman for a toupee company.

演员的秃头被一顶看起来非常自然的假发巧妙地遮盖了。The actor's baldness was cleverly concealed by a very natural-looking toupee.

全国最好的假发店里好的假发套卖到大约800元一个。In the best toupee shops in the country, a good hairpiece costs about eight hundred yuan.

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学习如何使用假发胶带坚持以螺钉或螺栓面对这种DIY视频假伤。Learn how to use toupee tape to adhere screws or bolts to the face in this DIY fake wounds video.

“看看他们,同学们,他们学会了。”他拍手称好,不小心让假发滑到了左侧。“我跟你们说过的嘛,很容易,”他笑道。“Look at them, class. They got it.” He clapped his hands, which caused his toupee to slide to the left. “I told you it was easy.” He smiled.

在一封给客户的电邮中,这名客户付出超过1.5万美元让他做DNA测试,比罗说,“继续这样下去我可以很快做一顶波洛克的假发了。”In an e-mail to a client, who paid him more than fifteen thousand dollars for DNA testing, Biro wrote, “If this keeps up I’ll be reconstructing Pollock’s toupee very soon.”