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你有去摸鬣狗吗?Did you pet a hyena?

他们告诉你了为什么我被叫做鬣狗吗?。They tell you why l was called The Hyena ?

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发出骇人的鬣狗般的笑声,然后是动作模糊的画面。Hideous hyena laughter, then a blur of motion.

母条纹鬣狗有六个橡皮奶嘴,褐色土有四个。Female striped hyenas have six teats , brown hyena have four.

一只黑斑鬣犬与一条好斗的好望角眼镜蛇保持距离。A spotted hyena keeps its distance from an aggressive Cape cobra

他们说一只鬣狗偷走了片子,但不知怎的,安德鲁又把它们找了回来。They said that a hyena stole the film.He got the film back somehow.

“也许在它死后不久,土狼就咬掉了它的面部,”怀特说。"Maybe a hyena chewed off the face soon after it died, " White said.

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祖鲁人把鬣狗叫做impisi,意思是“做清洁工作的人”。The Zulu name for a hyena is impisi, that means “the one who cleans up.”

这只鬣狗夺命而逃,而且居然逃脱了,但是它也遭受了重伤。The hyena fled and actually escaped, but not before it had been severely mauled.

在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。And after all that trouble, an opportunistic hyena grabs the kill, and scoots off.

但是那张让他无法动弹的脸没有动,那只鬣狗并没有再进屋。But the face that stilled him did not move, and the hyena did not come back inside.

在大斋节之前,鬣狗粪便中约15%的皮毛来自野驴。Before Lent, about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys.

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鬣狗的步履笨拙,懒散,然而跑起来速度惊人。Yet, in spite of its awkward, slouching gait, the hyena can run surprisingly quickly.

发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws, enabling it to crack large bones.

叼着脊柱和头的鬣狗在被它的部族伙伴追逐时,像疯子一样发出“呵呵”声。The hyena carrying this head and spine was giggling likemad as its clan mate chased it around.

的大型食肉动物,如带斑点的袋狼也面临着类似的,但并下降。Other large carnivores such as the spotted hyena face similar pressures, yet are not declining.

“你可以要那头牛。我想要那头公牛,因为它强烈,像我。”狮子对土狼说。"you can have the cow. I want the bull because it's strong like me. "the lion said to the hyena.

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发出这种叫声的鬣狗似乎在说,它希望伙伴别闹了,让它单独呆一会儿。The giggling hyena seems to besignaling that it wants its social partner to desist and leave it alone.

跟随它们脚步的将是非洲大草原上的著名猎食动物——狮子、猎豹、野狗、豺狗、土狼、秃鹰等。Hot on their heels are the predators of the savannah –lion, cheetah, wild dog, jackal, hyena and vultures.

现在出现在她眼前的是德纳第大娘,那样青面獠牙、眼里怒火直冒的德纳第大娘。Now it was the Thenardier who appeared to her, with her hideous, hyena mouth, and wrath flashing in her eyes.