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这个人很特别。This one in particular.

每种都有其独特的泛音组合It's the particular blend.

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比如辣根,我就特别讨厌。Horseradish, in particular.

比如辣根,我就特别讨厌。Horseradish , in particular.

你们独特的教学风格。Your particular teaching styles.

让我特别提及其中两份。Let me mention two in particular.

这一段是什么织体呢Which is this particular texture?

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不要碰这只特殊的猫。So don't touch this particular cat.

我们也特别喜欢它的BSD许可。We particular like the BSD license.

我们特别强调这一点。We stress that point in particular.

刚才听的那段乐句有多长呢How long was that particular phrase?

莲属具特殊的形态。Nelumbo had particular morphologies.

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那个地方有独特的迷人之处。El lugar tiene un encanto particular.

掌握一种特别的舞蹈。Master one particular style of dance.

城市一向是一座排他的城市。The city is always a particular city.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱,皮制的。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

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这个工作是特讲卫生!This job is too particular about that!

你不能隔离任何一个事情。You can't isolate any particular thing.

delete——删除某个指定的概要文件。delete -- deletes a particular profile.