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花旗集团、FDIC和亿康先达均拒绝就此发表评论。Citi, the FDIC and Egon Zehnder declined to comment.

IPC之于证券业,如同FDIC之于银行业This is the securities' analog of the FDIC in banking.

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作为审查者的FDIC代理行紧密地监控着这些问题银行,也拥有他们的记录。The FDIC agency also has a running tally of problem banks that its examiners closely monitor.

美联储所声称的能够立此大功的方法,是因为有了四个主要因素。The way the FDIC claims it would have accomplished this feat has to do with four central factors.

联邦存款保险公司已经存在了75年,而没有一年在保险存款上曾损失过一分一毫。The FDIC has been in existence for 75 years, and no one has ever lost a penny on an insured deposit.

不过,这一数字和1987-1992年间破产银行数目相比就相形见绌,据FDIC数据,有2,100家银行在此期间倒台.But the numbers pale next to the 2,100 lenders that failed from 1987 to 1992, according to FDIC data.

当银行或储蓄机构出现问题时,FDIC会立即采取应对措施来保护受保的储户。To protect insured depositors, the FDIC responds immediately when a bank or thrift institution fails.

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FDIC为全美7932家贷款商提供存款担保,这些贷款商的资产总额为13.4万亿美元。FDIC loans for the U. S. 7932 to provide deposit guarantee, the lender's total assets of 13.4 trillion.

此外,对于剩余的被保银行和储蓄机构,FDIC是其后援监督者。In addition, the FDIC is the back-up supervisor for the remaining insured banks and thrift institutions.

然而,该银行仍受到FDIC所颁布的“政府禁令”,限制了它的资金整合。But the bank remains hobbled by a "cease and desist" order from the FDIC that limits its deposit-gathering.

据联邦存款保险公司数据,第二季度净收入增幅为接近两年来最低。The second-quarter improvement in net income was the smallest gain in nearly two years, according to the FDIC.

现在,政府对存款进行保险,如你所知,通过FDIC,全称为联邦存款保险公司Now, the government insures deposits, as you know, through the FDIC -the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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她表示,FDIC有实施该计划所需的资源,但这项计划将主要由财政部负责。Ms. Bair said the FDIC has the resources to implement the plan, although it would be overseen chiefly by Treasury.

联邦存款保险公司确认,了解客户需求,将采取额外负担一些非党投保银行。The FDIC recognizes that a Know Your Customer requirement will impose additional burdens on some insured nonmember banks.

FDIC董事长贝尔曾表示,银行业的复苏料将滞后于整体经济形势的转好.FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair has said the banking industry's recovery is expected to lag the improvement in the overall economy.

FDIC由在1933年经济大萧条时颁布的道格拉斯法案后美国政府的产物。The FDIC is a United States government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, following the Great Depression.

导致该基金项下的资产降到了危险点以下。联邦存款保险公司要赶紧在90天内妙手回春补齐不足。This has pushed the fund's holdings below a trigger point that requires the FDIC to craft a "restoration" plan within 90 days.

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FDIC发言人说,限制存款保险基金的潜在风险始终是贝尔优先考虑的问题。An FDIC spokesman said 'limiting the potential exposure of the deposit-insurance fund is always a high priority for Chairman Bair.'

这是财政部,美联储和联邦存款保险公司考虑是否要救助CIT集团时面临的棘手问题。That's really the question that's being faced by the Treasury, the Fed and the FDIC as they consider whether or not to rescue CIT Group.

FDIC直接检查和监管的银行和储蓄机构约有5,250家,在整个银行系统中超过了半数以上。The FDIC directly examines and supervises about 5,250 banks and savings banks, more than half of the institutions in the banking system.