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一个标签处理函数类。A tag handler class.

什么是事件处理程序?What is an Event Handler?

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运石头车服务工厂。Rock handler service shop.

创建触发器处理程序文件包Create the trigger handler package

移除任一型别的处理常式。Either type of handler is removed.

为您的处理程序填入详细信息。Fill in the details for your handler.

从例外处理常式区块分支出来。Branch out of exception handler block.

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没有训导员犬在身边,犬是否会探索?Will the dog explore without its handler?

首先处理程序必须扩展基类。First, the handler must extend the base class.

每个画面格都会呼叫此事件处理常式一次。This event handler gets called once per frame.

消息记录器原语自定义处理程序支持Message logger primitive custom handler support

您可以选取事件名称,直接移至该处理常式。You can select a handler and jump directly to it.

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它为每一个菜单选项提供事件处理程序。It provides an event handler for each menu option.

一个用于输出HTML的请求处理类。A request handler class for outputting HTML content.

一个用于输出HTML的请求处理类。A request handler class used to output HTML content.

杰西•罗耶给卸下雪橇狗套,让狗进食。A handler for Jessie Royer unloads dogs to feed them.

续订令牌后获取或设置处理程序。Gets or sets a handler for when the token is renewed.

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其中一个不太标准的选项是“致命错误处理器”。One such nonstandard option is a fatal error handler.

注册临时的可插命名空间处理器。Temporarily registering a pluggable namespace handler.

处理程序链表示一个有序的处理程序清单。A handler chain represents an ordered list of handlers.