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阅读或者看我们的网拍的评论。Read alternatively watch our racquet reviews.

爱情,嘦么让人成熟,嘦么让人堕落。Love makes man grow up alternatively sink down.

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我能用支票戓信用卡吗?Can I disburse by retard alternatively honor card?

席间将轮流播放中美两国音乐。We will have some Chinese and American music alternatively.

长期以来,辉格党和托利党轮流掌权。The Tories and the Whigs were alternatively in power for a long time.

用竹签相间串起青�和牛肉粒。Thread the beef cubes onto skewers alternatively with the spring onion.

这位海洋生物学家说。对厄尔而言,吃鱼就像吃狗或猫一样。For Earle, eating a fish would be like eating a dog alternatively a feline.

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安哲得意的说,也不看不看谁找的。Anne Zhe satisfiedly says that don't see alternatively not as well who seek.

RVT能做为选择直接连接到地面控制站。The RVT can alternatively be connected directly to the Ground Control Station.

或者,如果你不在工作或者有空闲,为什么不当志愿者呢?Alternatively if you are out of work and have some spare time, why not volunteer?

移动换向手柄到正车侧和倒车侧交变地。Move the reversing handle to the ahead side and to the astern side alternatively.

或者我们可以利用和数据绑定表达式约束对自己的价值观。Or alternatively we could use databinding expressions to bind against its values.

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你也可以从家庭计划和性健康诊所免费领取避孕套。Alternatively you can get them free from family planning and sexual health clinics.

或者,可以在分娩时给母猪注射长效青霉素。Alternatively sows can be injected with long-acting penicillin at point of farrowing.

做手工和大脑的工作或者可以帮助发展我们两个大脑和双手。Doing handwork and brain work alternatively can help develop both our brain and hands.

解决方法是,我可以把我的鼠标换成一个通过usb连接的多点触控板。Alternatively I could replace my mouse with a multitouch pad, connected via a USB port.

球队每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员。TEAMS Each football team has 11 actors and 3 substitute, alternatively reserve players.

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它也可以被用来种植生物能源作物,它们将取代化石燃料。It could alternatively be used to grow bioenergy crops, which would displace fossil fuels.

染料快速的向织物上下交替相对运动,达到染液完美的速率。The dye moves upward and downward alternatively to realize maximum velocity of dye liquor.

另外,为了产生电力以供叶片旋转,空气能为燃料电池供氧。Alternatively the air could be fed to a fuel cell to generate electricity to spin the blades.