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我能扒车放在墨尔本吗?Can I drop it off in Melbourne?

拂晓时分,墨尔本遭受再次震颤。At dawn, two tremors shook Melbourne.

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我会去墨尔本中专学校上学。I'll be attending the Melbourne Tafe.

去墨尔本我需要换租车吗?。Do Ihave to change trains to go to Melbourne?

墨尔本曳步舞的基本舞步是什么?What are the basics steps of the Melbourne Shuffle?

他没有来接我从墨尔本乘坐的航班,也没有回我的电话和留言。He did not show up to meet my flight from Melbourne.

自从2002年温哥华蝉联冠军以来,墨尔本第一次获得这个冠军。Melbourne was a joint winner with Vancouver in 2002.

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有去墨尔本中心火租车站租车巴士吗?。Is there abus that goes to Melbourne central station?

去墨尔本我该当换哪条线?。Which line should I change trains to go to Melbourne?

我从哪个出口走在墨尔本中心火租车站?。Which exit should Itake for Melbourne central station?

尔本是第一个城市筹办奥运的。Melbourne was the first city to hold the Olympic Games.

如果你正要来墨尔本,就必须游览菲茨罗伊。If you are coming to Melbourne , you must visit Fitzroy.

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在墨尔本的两轮马车中,一具尸体赫然呈现!In Melbourne two rounds of the wagon, a corpse popped up!

首先举行单人表演的蚀刻在悉尼和墨尔本。Held first one-man show of etchings in Sydney and Melbourne.

如果你是在墨尔本可以找谭先义律师帮你。If you are in Melbourne , I can give you her contact number.

克里斯托斯·思奥尔克斯创作了四部小说。Melbourne writer Christos Tsiolkas is the author of four novels.

李娜师和新教练在墨尔本比赛后,首次打进半决赛。Li Na reaches her first semifinals after Melbourne with new coach.

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但这取决于穆雷在墨尔本最后两场比赛的走势。But that is what is riding on Murray's final two games in Melbourne.

法拉利在墨尔本使用了新的空气动力学套件。Ferrari have introduced a new aero package for the F10 in Melbourne.

澳洲航空公司来回香港至墨尔本机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Melbourne on QF.