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但它也是灌输“忍”的一种努力。But it was one more effort to instill "gaman."

你怎样逐步帮她树立自豪感和适应能力呢?How do you instill pride and resilience in her?

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我的目的在于灌输给他们给予的乐趣。I aim to instill in them the pleasure of giving.

阅读是你能灌输给孩子最好的爱好之一。Reading is one of the best loves you can instill in kids.

罪犯遮盖他们的「脸」令被害者心生恐惧,并益于逃避追缉。Criminals cover their faces to instill fear and evade capture.

所以,一个伟大的领袖必须具有激励其他人勇气的能力。So a great leader must have the ability to instill courage in others.

轻松的旋律和节奏安排甚至给我们一种非常愉悦的感觉。The easy rhythm and pop arrangement even instill a feeling of musical eroticism.

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这是在妖言惑众,是一个古老的为政府权力正名的中央集权主义诡辩。He dreamt this up to instill fear, an old statist trick to justify government power.

这些食物没有营养价值还会给你的孩子慢慢灌输一种极坏的饮食习惯。These foods have no nutritional value and instill terrible diet habits in your child.

杰弗里斯此后担任教练灌输习惯的做法,在补体C3组。Jeffries thereafter acted as a coach to instill the practices as habits in the C3 team.

我们应该让他们明白学习的真谛以及学习同我们一起所表现的价值。We need to instill in them a true love of learning and the values that go along with it.

它会不会灌输一种文化剥离的疏远感或是产生文化上的有利条件?Does it instill a sense of alienation and cultural dispossession or of cultural advantage?

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对内科医生的任务之一,是对病人传递出对非专利药物的信心。One task for physicians, however, is to instill confidence in patients regarding generics.

如果我们要把这种追求卓越的精神输进我们孩子脑里的话,就得靠作为父亲和家长的我们了。It’s up to us —as fathers and parents —to instill this ethic of excellence in our children.

试著将快乐、和平、鼓励、健康、积极,注入在每一个会话中。Try to instill happiness, peace, encouragement, health, positiveness in every conversation.

其中采用多个组织图来渗透组织中的所有权思想。It takes more than org charts to instill a philosophy of ownership through the organization.

我不够成熟,缺乏我的母亲曾费尽心力想让我学到的,那个关于做出选择需要原因的能力。I lacked the maturity and the reason that my mother had so desperately tried to instill in me.

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企业需要领导来指明前进的路也需要他们来不断地给予他们动力和灵感。Organizations need leaders to show the way forward and instill a sense of energy and inspiration.

通过公民与道德课的教学活动,灌输正确的价值观。To instill in students good moral values through Civic and Moral Education lessons and activities.

但是那些描绘反映影迷们所把握的那些先前存在的期待或会对他们灌输那样的思想吗?But does that portrayal reflect a pre-existing expectation that film buffs hold or does it instill it?