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我们可以共乘一辆车啊。We can car pool.

这就是存储池。That is the pool.

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池塘水太深了。The pool is deep.

什么是股票池?What is stock pool ?

这个水池有多深?How deep is this pool?

池塘边长了一圈树。Trees rimmed the pool.

别跳进水池子里。Don't jump into the pool.

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这儿是迎宾彩池。Here is the Yingbin Pool.

加黑黑黑到你的魔法力池中。Add BBB to your mana pool.

这是争艳彩池。Here is the Zhengyan Pool.

惊起一滩鸥鹭。Scared up a pool of gulls.

地址池为空。The address pool is empty.

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你能沿着游泳池游回来吗?Can you swim down the pool?

他在池塘上架了一座小木桥。Come for a swim in the pool.

跳水池有多深?How deep is the diving pool?

在宾馆的泳池可以游几圈。Swim laps in the hotel pool.

水池里因鱼而有了生机。The pool was alive with fish.

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他们正泡在游泳池里。They are dunking in the pool.

这是石塔镇海池。Here is the Stone Pagoda Pool.

我们去银洞游泳池。Rebecca plunged into the pool.