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上主训示梅瑟说。The Lord said to Moses.

摩西将圣坛洗净Moses purified the altar.

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约基别是摩西的母亲。Jochebed the mother of Moses.

摩西变成了叶忒罗的朋友。Moses became Jethro's friend.

约书亚是摩西的继承人。Joshua was the successor to Moses.

神也在培育种植提升他的温文。God was cultivating meekness in Moses.

它可是我的外教老师摩西取的。It is my foreign teacher Moses to take.

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那么中保指谁?是摩西吧?Well who was the mediator? Moses right?

摩西请求Hobab来是他们的领导人。Moses requests Hobab to be their leader.

摩西听见这话就俯伏在地When Moses heard this, he fell facedown.

摩西决定与这些人一起生活。A people with whom Moses decided to dwell.

叶文智对飞机的使用生活得多。Dr. Moses to life than the use of aircraft.

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那片土地在摩西时代居住的是什么人?Who lived in the land in the time of Moses?

在第四节中,摩西介绍了上帝的名字。In v. 4 Moses introduces a new name for God.

于是,亚伦照耶和华所吩咐摩西的行了。And it was done, as the Lord commanded Moses.

摩西这个字是取自义大利人名摩西而来。MOSE is a play on the Italian name for Moses.

摩西就称嫩的儿子何西阿为约书亚.Moses gave Hoshea son of Nun the name Joshua.

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摩西的儿子是革舜和以利以谢。The sons of Moses were, Gershom, and Eliezer.

我可算知道摩西为什么会在那儿跟他讲话了。now I know why Moses is there talking to him.

摩西五经的写作,在公元前1450年左右。Before Moses wrote his books, about 1450 B. C.